Lab Breakout 05 introduces you to many confused scientists after a overload of the system. Originaly, the system was supposed to create a sub-human form to complete simple tasks, but thats not at all what happened. The Spawner(Queen Zombie), had gained to much control from recieving medical liquids. Then the Queen Zombie took over spawning many individual zombies that were used to take over the facility. Now the helpless scientists must fight off the zombies. The scientists need to stay alive for 15 minutes until EVAC arrives. Game Variant:Lab Breakout 05 Game Variant:Rescue The Spawner Zombie Spawn Zombie Teleporter to Medical Room Teleporter in Medical Room Scientist Spawn A Special Hidden Weapon Behind one of these power supply cores have fun watching your friends die while you wait in the corner LOLLOLLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOL Tell me how to improve so it can be better
uh. decent idea. no pictures. not even a link. how do you expect people to like your map, or even download it for that matter?
Even with all of the stuff it's missing it still seems a little weird. I mean the "scientist's" have to stay alive with unknown weapons for thirty minutes against zombies with unknown powers in an unknown map. Also, why "queen" why not "king" or "king/queen". P.S: i know this seems like a hate thing but it's not, it's......... "constructive criticsm" (man I came up with that fast)
C'MON GUYS! You do not need the flame him! One good piece of advice with a link would help but no, i don't see any here. No wonder most of you guys have neg rep lol joking Read the two links in my signature and you should be fine completing your post. Good luck This is the map posting template please read it and fix your post.
good job on IMPROVING cold storage...dont see much difference in gameplay and MAJOR changes in it...4/5 only if gameplaywise its fun
Decent... Decent... Still, not really up to using space in my 7/100 free game slots I have left. Criticism= +Make zombies weak, or lower time for evac. I'm hoping you don't have a bunch of invinci-zombies rampaging for 30 minutes. Nor do I hope you have too weak of zombies being slaughtered for 30 minutes. Test this out a lot and see what traits are good for this map/time limit. Zombies shouldn't be too weak or too strong, just a good mix of ass kicking. +Do something special. This looks way too overdone. A zombie game. On Cold Storage. With wide spaces. And Ink and Pen, correct? +Maybe have time-reliant doors.