There's probably quite a few documentaries about the murders. They made the movie because it's simply an interesting story. Oh and Jake Gyllenhaal is a good actor.
I think his talents could have been used on a better movie. While the story was didn't have a tangable ending, and shouldn't have been produced into a full length feature film. That is just my opinion though, so take it with a grain of salt.
idk if anyone told you this yet (i'm not about to read through what looks like 4+ pages of posts). but cloverfield doesn't necessarily end there. If you wait until the end of the credits you hear a distorted voice (like it's on a bad camera). Some people online played it back and got rid of some of the distortion and managed to make out the main character guy saying "it's still alive". So rumors are that a sequel is in order.
I AM LEGEND the second ending (the one they didn't use) was wayy better i hated how errtang just ended up good in the real version
The mist. lololol Ima shoot you all. 5 seconds later. Army's here. Oh look, dave, another guy who shot people.
I really liked the ending of The Mist. I'm a fan of dark, ironic twists, and that was as dark as you can get.
Dracula 3000. If you haven't seen it then its a truly awful B-movie which seemingly has no plot. The end is basically that the surviving characters (the big strong black guy and the hot woman who is actually an android - characterization in this film is abysmal, never seen so many cliches in one film) are trapped in a room hiding from dracula. The woman turns to the guy and says "you know, I've been reprogrammed.." "oh really?" he replies, "yes, I used to be a pleasurebot.." at which point they walk off and have sex. We are then shown a seemingly random log entry from the captain of the ship (this takes place in space btw) explaining that "what must be done, must be done" then the ship explodes. End Classic, just classic
one of my favorite endings has to be the ending of The Departed... i wont spoil it but you dont see it coming and its a ironic ending. But as far as worst ending i really hate the ending of Easy Rider.. it just makes me plain mad. Its not a bad ending (its quite fitting and ironic) i just hate the ending.
i totally forgot about the village yes that has to be the worst ending ever... its so bad i must have actually blocked it out of memory....
It was a great movie when it came out but 'The Day After Tommorrow'. Sure they are saved but c'mon, ICE AGE for god sake...they are still going to die. I only mentioned this film because in Geography at the end of every term, we always have to watch this.
I heard that cloverfield really sucked too. I can't believe it is only 65 minutes long lol. I would say worst movie ending would be Sideways.
IMO War of the Worlds was completely retarted. Yeah the tripods were pretty awesome BAMF's in their flippin giants, but when they died of bacteria? What next, an alien invader will die when his toast is burned? I think you can do better than that Hollywood!
I just saw that film yesterday and couldn't agree more, it was a real Tom Cruise special - sucked throughout.
War of the Worlds is a good story, I don't see how they went wrong with the movie's ending. Also, Jimbodawg, Funny Games really does suck. I watched it last week, and I feel like it was wasted time.
Oh lets not forget. "Hi im the really depressed teenage american being used as a plot device for an unsuccessful family,rawg!" "Omg me gun go to join army...AHHH WHOLE HILL ASPLODED IMA GUN DIE!!!!!" "Ah ha fear my awesomeness i have magically appeared in bostin during the end sequence to make it all seem alright,even though everyone else who comes anywhere near the aliens died horribly.Ho-ho feel my main characterness!!!"