One night, i was on looking up some community maps and i saw this amazing pirate ship. So i thought to myself "wow i wish i had the skills to forge that beauty." The next day i knew that i could do better than that so i made a ship until i got stuck on the very front trying to make the the point. My friend suggested i make a flat front like Cargo ships have. So i did and it turned out like this- (note: i am not saying i did better than the maker of the pirate ship and this map is used for mostly 1v1 or 2v2) *Front* *Sides* ----------------------------------------------------------------- *Poopdeck* *Captains Deck* *Interior* ________________________________________________________ : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing YOU can download this map by viewing this site! ^ I will be posting another *NEW* map called wasteland tomorrow! :] (1 EASTER EGG!) have fun!
none of the screenshots that you have up were found. also, the maker of the pirate ship worked very hard. you shouldnt post up on the site that you think you can do much better, his map was made for aesthetics meaning its not ment to be played for competition, just for fun to look at.
this map isnt for looking at, u can play team slayer on it and if i get more complaints, i will finish up my second version and i never said i did better than the pirate ship person, i said he inspired me and sorry about the pics im fixing em right now
Hi and welcome to forgehub youre post doesn't meet teh standards it doesn't look like you've even tried to embed pics
interesting, but im sure this belongs in either casual or aestheic people will just be running around outside of the ship.
it looks like the ship did not take up all the items u could have done 2 ships which would make me love it but i dl check it out nice 4/5
looks like a well built ship but i dont think your gona get that outside to the water through those small garage doors.... anyway, nice job, tho its not very playable
if you want the map to be playable i would recomend making it on the clif outside of a map like standoff or avalanch or blackout doing this would allow for ship to ship or ship to port combat it is just an idea by the way Sweet looking barge
this looks great. it has great aestthetics. of course i wouldnt see anyone playing on it but its definitely a well built ship
you should put twoway nodes in the doors (interlock them) and then but the other end in one of the rooms on either side of foundry. then it would look like the captains quarters or w/e. nice map though
looks good, but one thing. heres something you may want to do that isnt in the old pirate ship either. preventing people from going overbord and sniping people from outside. Also, shouldnt this map be in Aesthetic maps in the forum
with most pirate ships ive seen there is a sail, but it looks to me like you made an oil tanker kind of ship. still looks cool though!