This is a door or more properly called a gate. Its like most other gates it opens and closes but the unique thing about this gate is that it stays open for as long as you want it to. Or stays closed for as long as you want it to. The A Custom Powerup Opens the door. The B Custom Power up Closes it. Heres some Pictures. *Update Start* Everyones been asking how it works so here I go. The A Custom Power Up is holding up a fusion coil, so when you pick it up the fusion coil drops into a man cannon and the man cannon pushes it to the wall blowing it up. This blows up another fusion coil that is close to a gravlift so the gravlift destroys. The gravlift is set to respawn minumum 1 respawn maximum 2. So when it gets destroyed another one spawns. Sometimes the same one that got destroyed will respawn so you sometimes have to pick up the power up twice. So the new gravlift spawns above the door rasing it up. When you pick up the B Custom Powerup it does the same thing with the fusion coil it drops hits a wall blows up makes another one blow up but the fusion coil that blows up now, its explosion goes through the wall blowing up the grav lift holding up the door. So then it falls. *Update End* *Update 2* I think it would be really fun to make a map with this and make it Cops and Robbers. If anyone wants to help (you must be a good forger) just add my GT. Hertz381 Author: Hertz381 Time to Make: 4 Hours Front View of Door/Gate Back View of Door/Gate Pick Up B Custom Powerup to Close door Walking Through Author: Hertz381 Dowload Door v1 Here
this is a preatty sweet idea! keep it open till enemys go through then whamm! nice job it is quite sweet!
It's like a better version of mine! (Custom Power Up + Two Walls + Dumpster + Gravlift. Opens only.) I give you props.
may i feature it in this thread with of course, credit to you!
does this door use grav lifts, if so you are the best ( i see a man cannon in the pic so i do not know send me a xbox live message if you want to buinl new switches with me
Well it uses grav lifts but the man cannon just shoots a fusion coil so it blows up. If thier was no man cannon it would have had to be a very tall structure so that the fusion coils explodes when it drops.
cool iv seen alot of these this type of door looks good if someone wants a front gate to there house they built
sweet. map... but it would've been better incorporated into an actual map. but still nice to have someone showing ppl how its done.
pretty nice man, the idea is kinda old but still shows skill in forge, looks neat and well planned out, im looking forward to see a map including this from you, good job