I spent long hours of the night on this one! This is an original map designed for competitive 4v4 play. The map is symmetrical, and true to its name, promotes movement as well as fast-paced action. There is a classical layout of two bases facing each other with a relatively exposed bottom center. Both bases will be fighting for the multi-layered tower, giving good vantage points while not being a complete trap. This point of the map was inspired by Midship's pink 2. The back wall portion of the map (where the corridors are) is another important control point, as a custom power-up will be spawning between both sides. Other power tools include the sniper, active camo, and sword. They all spawn in positions where both sides have an equal chance to fight for them and gain nce. As for movement options, there are a couple of teleporters to get about. Furthermore, this map is a skilled-jumper's dream! Alright let me summarize what this map has to offer. For one, it plays as an excellent relatively small symmetrical map, all the playtesting appears to have been worth it. Second, there are lots of movement options as well as lots of reasons to move. There are some great teleporter options, as well as many skillful jumps to employ. Also, people will simply have to move to get at the goodies on the map. So instead of being a set-up oriented map, this one is extremely flowing while not being overly clustered and chaotic. And finally, one of the most important points, the map has proper respawns. I spent hours studying the existing MLG maps in forge, and then using that knowledge to make nice and balanced respawns for everyone in Team Slayer, Team King, Team Oddball, and CTF. Please give good feedback Credit to WiIl Smith for helping me through tiredness and putting it on his fileshare. I stuff on mine.... Download Link: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share
Looks good. Can't remember the last time I've seen someone use the back hall-way outside of a few puzzle maps... One thing made me laugh, how you said it employs movement... Generally, we all move. Or I do at least, every second I'm playing is spent heading to the next target... It looks like it'd play nicer than it looks, but idk, not worth the dl for me. I've too many Slayer games as it is.
Seems a bit sloppy like those wall's leaning into each other, some noob forger could do that. Not saying it is bad or anything, but also There seems to be a lack of interlocking. I would also like to see more pictures inside those bases it is kind of hard to see a view from outside.
it looks a little sloppy and it seems a little open on the feild. if i were playing this i would just stay inside the entire game so i dont risk being sniped in the open
could use some things from forge101, but is this your first post....? yes? then its just fine, and you could just use some constructive criticism from the above people...you could do with some merging, and always keep in mind whiule making a map, for people trying to break it....some amazing guides that got me going are located at the forge tutorial master index found HERE that should be all the better to get yourself started on merging, geomerging, placing items and weapons effectively etc....happy forging PS + rep is always a nice thing sang the little birdy on the tree....! haha just playin! EDIT: ok ok not your first post! nevermind! you could still play around with some of the tuts in there!
I have to say the actual map build doesn't look very smooth, subtle or unique, but, although I cant be bothered to check myself, the gameplay must be quite good. I mostly download maps if they look real nice, interlocking, geo-merging, tele-writing ect. All those will make your map automatically popular. You didn't add any of those techniques. I'm sorry.
i don't see many maps with the back hallway and frankly i don't really like that hallway area but i'll try it out and see if its good i know some people will say needs more interlocking maybe that true to make it look better but you don't need to but maybe you should.
Looks ok but i doesnt look like gameplay is good 2/5. If it does have good gameplay describe it sofar it looks boring