
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by greenelephants, May 21, 2008.

  1. greenelephants

    greenelephants Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Created by Green Elephants and energygreg

    Supported Gametypes:
    Slayer, Team Slayer and One Flag. More to come soon.

    Map Description
    Basically Network started out as a drawing of a maze by my friend energygreg. It
    then evolved into tunnels and main rooms, bases etc. Eventually we made
    a second level. And at last we decided to incorporate an outer tunnel
    to it.

    The map comprises of two main rooms, and several hallways
    and corridors. There is the first room, a square with a doorway leading
    off of each side. One leads to a Shotgun corridor at a dead end. One
    leads to the big outer tunnel, which is like a shell to the map with
    several entry points all around it. It is there to provide different
    attack and escape routes, and to disorientate of course :). The third
    doorway leads into an inside corridor, which contains some weapons and
    grenades, but also provides access to the same room as the last door.
    This room is much larger and has a second level. This level also
    contains the Defender's base, right at the back, shrouded in darkness.
    It is fairly well protected, although the Defenders still have to work
    to keep the flag (this is providing the NW One Flag variant is used). Further down, there is some open ground, which leads into the aforementioned inside corridor.

    Overall, the map is fast paced, and tight. Many routes mean that escape is easy, but so is cutting the escapee off. It's all about confusing your opponent.

    The map is quite a large size now, so it supports various gametypes, primarily Slayer. We're working on a few custom ones just now.

    8 BRs
    1 Mauler
    1 Sniper
    1 Plasma Pistol
    1 Magnum
    2 SMGs
    1 Brute Shot
    1 Carbine

    1 Active Camo
    1 Power Drain
    1 Bubble Shield
    1 Trip Mine
    10 Plasma Grenades
    4 Frags
    1 Regenerator
    2 Spike Grenades
    1 Flare


    Well, the map was well overdue an update. It is now Network v1.9. It went through several stages, like v1.7 and 1.8, but we (I) felt that we shouldn't change the name to version 2, because it isn't really a new map or anything, just an extended one.

    What has basically changed:

    • Fixed the spawning, hopefully. Couldn't get the appropriate testing to find out fully, but at the moment it seems ok.
    • Added the new areas, pictured below. They basically both come off of the previous Shotgun corridor, on either side. The shotgun has been removed due to the fact that 1. I hate it, 2. It is too overpowered, for such a small map and 3. Lack of use.
    • Weapons/Equipment changes: Needler, Shotgun, Sword, Spikers removed. Carbine added. Camo now spawns after 3 minutes (far too much overuse, but still needed to be there.) Sniper ammo reduced, spawn time increased to 2 minutes.
    Yeah, I'm sorry, I used the word "basically" quite loosely there lol.

    Overview of the first room. The doorway at north in the picture leads into the outer tunnel of the map.

    Overview of most of the map: inner corridor, large room, central platform and small room. (Brute Shot moved to bridge, Sword removed. Back opened for new area.)

    Base. I tried hard to sort out the top left box, re-interlocking etc, but it just kept turning jumpy and bright blue. Suggestions would be appriciated.

    Fights can get heated.(Sword has been removed.)

    Outer corridor nearest the base.

    Second room as seen from the base.


    "You stopped energygreg."

    Sniper vs. SMG. "Shouldn't someone be going for the flag?!"

    Updated Areas:

    From the Sign B exit from the square. New corridor, parallel to the previous Shotgun corridor.

    One of the new areas, just past the above picture. Leads to the right of where the Shotgun corridor ended.

    The other new area. This one opens from the left hand side of the previous end of the Shotgun corridor and gives the players a both new area, and a new way back into the main map.


    All in all, we've enjoyed making this map, and look forward to all feedback to be recieved, whether positive or otherwise.

    Download Network v1.9
    #1 greenelephants, May 21, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2008
  2. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice map u got here! but it could need some more interlocking in some places...
  3. Mount Killamonjaro

    Senior Member

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    Yea looks well thought through
  4. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    some parts look good but others look like they need a little more interlocking. fix those spotts and this would be a pretty awesome map
  5. greenelephants

    greenelephants Ancient
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    Thanks very much guys :D
    I know what you's mean though, I'll get to interlocking it tonight.
    xXmooregamesXx likes this.
  6. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    This doesn't look too bad, at first, i thought it was kinda sloppy (pic 1), but then i looked a little closer, and at about pic 3-5 the interlocking looks pretty decent...

    looks like it would be a decent swat or mlg map, good work
  7. greenelephants

    greenelephants Ancient
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    Thanks very much Tex, we just played Project U five minutes ago, didn't realise it was you lol. I couldn't stop saying how good it was while we were playing, how it was so different from Foundry and how much better it was than ours lmao. Uber good work.
  8. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    very nice. i like the combination of open place with hallways and tunnels. good job, this gave me some new ideas.
  9. firephoenix229

    firephoenix229 Ancient
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    design looks very good. interlocking could have been used to clean up a few corners. looks good enough to dl.
  10. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Good map very neat but I think its a little plain.I just dont see some spice or something that really catches my eye.4/5
  11. HWC ozzie

    HWC ozzie Ancient
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    This looks really good. I think there are a lot of amazing ideas in this map. Good job.

    Interlocking isn't everything you all know! GAMEPLAY IS WAY MORE Important. WII>PS3. Gameplay over Graphics.
  12. The SEEJ

    The SEEJ Ancient
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    nice and clean map looks really good ill dl and try it out
  13. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    This is the best advice I can give you, Make the walls higher, and add ceilings in more places. It looks a bit too much open, adding a bit more vertically will help it.

    SPAGETTII Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks well made and clean
    good work
  15. BJFPoyver

    BJFPoyver Ancient

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    Looks cool, but a few more pictures would do it some good.
  16. greenelephants

    greenelephants Ancient
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    Thanks so much for all the feedback guys. First off, the interlocking lol. I knew it'd get mentioned, and I'm working on it just now. Another thing would probably be adding a "novel feature", something to catch your eye. I'm trying to think of something just now, but I've basically ran out of boxes and walls, so it isn't easy. That is also why there isn't an ceilings, because I was going to put them in and ran out of materials, so it now is just a bit more difficult (at least in some places) to get out.
  17. abcCounter

    abcCounter Ancient
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  18. energy-greg

    energy-greg Ancient
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    cool well as a co-maker of this map i thank all the people who downloaded our first map and you cann all look forward to more from us very soon :)
    any more constuctive critisism would be much appriciated as well
  19. greenelephants

    greenelephants Ancient
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  20. drak

    drak Ancient
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    only suggestion is to move the bubble shield away from the dont want someone throwing stickies when he is just barely out of his bubble need PROTECTION from stickies with a bubble shield only suggestion nice map...also, interlock a bit more, and an open single box with a bubble shield in the middle would be nice!

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