on a map that i'm currently making, i want to make several places only available by crouching (like the pipe on High Ground), but i don't know what to use/how to set it all up. as of right now i'm thinking like a low floating double box or something, but im not really sure yet. any ideas?
Yeah they used this method on the basement of the "estate" map. I'm pretty sure they just used barriers with walls laying down on top of them.
That's all we did. I think small barriers could work too. So basically anything close to the height of a barrier.
And I suggest the small ones because I'm right and AZN is wrong damnit! (He is right I just won't admit it...wait)
Well, to help judge height, the regular, tall barrier is roughly the maximum height that the game will force you to crouch before getting through. Likewise, the minimum is just a tad below the height of the short barrier, otherwise the game will not let you pass at all. That's how you can force a crawlspace, or, line the sides with the barriers and floating walls/fence walls to crawl on, and make yourself a ventilation duct. It's those little tidbits of info that will make your life a lot easier in the long run.
just a steady hand with some barriers and immoveable walls and bridges and such is the way to go on this one. but making a small crawlspace will be tough. i saw a mansion map that used the levels geometry to make an effective crawlspace.
k thanks everyone. i used some barriers then put a box on top, then deleted the barriers....it works perfectly now i just have to finish my map then it'll be up and running on here (i'll follow the guidelines on how to post a map, mind you) thanks
Crates are standing height, so are wire spools. Doors are crouch jump height for anyone curious enough.