After making checkmate something just felt unfinished it seemed that no one really wanted or had the time to play chess so now i give you Tic Tac Toe like chess this map can also be used to test one's intelligence and ad you should be able to tell fence walls and wire spoils were used for the X's & O's and this must also be played in forge the board insane got owned
monopoly? what would you use for dice? and no one would get to be the iron or thimble hence, it would suck
actually this is my last board game map as i've been working on a new map that will shock and marvel the crowds, its a secret and wont be done for a while so for now this will have to due
This looks like fun. Would you like to attempt my ultimate challenge? Make Chinese Checkers! I like this tons of fun even though I've forgotten the strategy that sets you up to win every time. Nicely done.
Well, you could use REAL dice! At home or something lol. Or just take the time to draw a quick tic-tac toe board in about 2 seconds if you are lucky...
but you need 9 spots and there are only 4 of each powerup btw mags i might not be on today cuz im sick...again...
I have an idea for this game so you dont have to play it in forge, let me know if you follow me here... Spawn upside-down turrets in the air with boxes beneath them made out of walls, and put wire spools and crates on top of them. Now have the game start with spartan lasers. When you want to put your piece in a box, just shoot the turret with a spartan laser and have the crate/spool fall into the box. What do you think?
... YOU USED HAX! I KNOWZ0RZ IT! WALLHAX!!!! im the best at tic-tac-toe i even came up with its own acronym...TTT...what?!?
simple, but fun. i hardly play tic tac toe, cuz either all the games i play tie, or tie, or tie, u get it :squirrel_shiftyeyes:
Great to see people making map that uses the forge mode to enhance gameplay. Simple Game, Awesome Idea