Construction of the Base was interrupted when the Predators arrived. The builders fought as best as they could. They made their final stand in a room which still stands today. Now it is part of a mission to eliminate the predators. Find them. Kill Them. Gametype Below A new map that I made. I believe it is one of my first better ones. AREA XZ85 Inventory- Machine Gun Turret- 1 Sniper Rifles- 4 Battle Rifles- 4 Magnums- 10 Shotguns- 6 Assault Rifles- 11 SMG- 13 DOWNLOAD HERE ENTRANCE ARMORY OVERVIEW ONE OVERVIEW TWO As I said it is one of my first real maps. It has an infection gametype to go along. DOWNLOAD HERE I changed my name since I was last on Forge Hub It is now Like 56 Indians So if you would'nt mind telling me how to change my name and comment on the map and gametype, I would greatly appreciate it. Created by short children/Like 56 Indians and KillerTyy Thanks to kayaman132 for the I.M.G. Canvas
It looks fun, the armory is neat, ima fan on infection, and i like the layout. No story?, Why only human weps? It seems great for slayer. 4/5 keep forging Even thought its your first post, you tryed your best. You deserve sum rep.
good job for your first post, but here are some suggestions i dislike armories, they never end up good, weapons all over the map is better and it does not look like your map has interlocking! click HERE to find out how otherwise good job does look fun, post a second version
I hate to correct you but it does have some interlocking. I didn't think it was necessary to put interlocking on walls. Thank you for the advice though.
cool map dude. i like the whole hallway structure part. keep it up dude i hope to see some feature grade maps coming out of your end as you get better. just keep forging though. 4/5
it looks allright, there are just a few spots that dont catch my eye. like the non interlocked boxes makes it look a little less neat and professional, and the armory, you need to take those out, some armories work by putting 100s of guns with no ammo so that it is more for scenery, but it looks like you put every gun and 10 of them in 1 room. you need to fix that. 2/5
super duper post dron. but it looks like a really sloppy map. could use some serious clean upage. and also armories r very unoriginal and do infection maps usually have other weapons on the map?
If your going to interlock, you gotta go all the way, don't half ass it. That's what coach always says. A v2 would be fantastic! With more interlocking and no armory this would be a really good map.
i liek how you really stocked up on weapons in the storage room were you put all the weps on the shelfs and stuff. thats realy important weapons
from what i can tell it looks good. 7/10. nicely done. i can't see much of the advanced forge techniques though. next time, try interlocking to give your map a less rigid feel