This is an elite forge team, this is not affiliated with or against any other group. Just a group of forgers who like to make maps. This team has a few members but is still in the RECRUITING PHASE. That means that YOU can JOIN NOW! Unfortunately not everyone can join. Only people who, 1. Are Elite Forgers, 2. Are Cooperative, 3. Know the balance between appearance and gameplay. To join send me a friend request via MoB Elite Havoc or Tenchu Ryu. Show my team your best map, if its good we give you a simple forge challenge, if you do good then you are in. Also it would be helpful to reply to the thread to let me know you want to join. Thank You.
GT: Kronos 001 Eh, I'll try it out. I have a map in progress, I'll be able to show it to you almost completed tomorrow. Send me a FR on Live. If my list is full, PM me here with your Gamertag please.
sorry dude i didn't know who you were at first. now i got ya on my friends list so next time ur forgin somethin hit me up and we'll forge
i guess i'll try out, the map i'd probaly show you would be ironhold, which is actually on forgehub, so check it out.
Sorry for no sending a FR, I'll be sending one sometime within an hour. If your on. Friend Request: Sent.