Map: Red Base V2 The cleaner Cops and Robbers Download Map Download Gametype Description:The words Hey Grif Where are you?! Target practice starts in three minutes and we need targets! Thats why your running because if Sarge kills Grif we have no backup Tucker. This is a different type of cops and robbers map. No not because its named Sarge and Grif. Everyone spawns in the jail and is equipped with a shotgun (not that it helps because sarge is invincible). Enter the telepoters and you are randomly put on one of the 4 corners of the map. Ten seconds after the game starts the teleporters are closed by crates and the "Sarge" appears. the rest is simple, Sarge is to be avoided at all costs. He kills you and you have to hope that Sarge dosen't kill your friends so they can grab a grav lift and spring you. It dosen't hurt that the map is pretty good looking! (Yes i know this is a lot like TrueDarkFusions Sheep Herding but why fix whats not broken? I built mine from the ground up/ improved on his.) ....Don't burn me! The Jail/Closet The armory (Recently Emptied) The food storage (mainly Rocky road ice cream) RUUUUNNNNNN! Why you need that grav lift Don't Crouch! Come out Grif... Oh hell no! Hes invincible don't even try. Well thats it, and once again TrueDarckFusion don't get angry, if you think I stole your game I didn't.... I based it off yours and admitted it! Till next time....Rate it after playing it please!... or just ignore that last sentence completely. ps: over the back wall theres an easter egg and it expresses my true fellings...
BURN BURN BURN!!!!!!1!!! just kidding the map looks preatty good and the way it resembels the truedarkfusion map is cool. the crates i c r for da grav lift. nice job i like it.
The story behind this map is awesome, as for the game itself, I don't know. But with the fact that there are actual members here on forgehub who go by "Grif" and "Sarge", that makes this pretty win. Something Sarge just wouldn't understand... Yes. Come out Grif...Come out. lulz TDF would suffice. Everyone here knows him as that...
looks kool. maybe you should give the grifs some flares or radar jammers. just give them something to find and use to their advantage so it's a little more fun