The River V2 No not the song. I will also say this is my first post so help me with problems! The Download Description: This s a map I made that I am very proud of (and yes there was a v1 but i never posted it and I made enough changes to convince myself it deserved a Version 2 tag). The map is small and inescapable. Very well interlocked this map is easy on the eyes. Of course for the name to be the river it needs a convincing river (CHECK). Sure its just some shield doors but bouncing grenades off the waterfall is fun! The map is setup for every gametype (but why would you play infection on this when you can make a 10 second map for that...). Containing 2 BRs (Win), 2 assault rifles (more amo), a flam thrower, 4 smg's, 4 frags =(, 4 plasma frags =), 4 spike grenades o_0, and certain items that flow downstream in the river, ya you heard me the river works! Please rate it after downloading.(warning i found this just just after posting, a fence wall on the red base side has an accidental 30 sec time spawn delay. Go into forge and change this or get the fixed version off my file share.) The Overview Blue base ( Red base is the same.) Smoke on the water. Self sticking via waterfall =) Look for my many other maps and minigames next up Sarge and Grif. SORRY I misunderstood the term casual. this is more competitive not a minigame Sorry!
Photobucket is the best. If these are from photobucket, click on the picture so it is enlarged, then copy the IMG bar. I'll come back later when I can see the pictures more clearly.
you have it set as thumbnails, but i think i saw v1 and loved it, ill look again when you fix the pictures
i dont really uderstand the map very well from your description or pics, but looks like good interlocking
cool map. id download if there wasnt that 100 game limit or whatever, but i will save it to download later from the pics, id say 4/5, really like the items floating down the river, reminds me of a map called pallet parade