Download Map Download Gametype Join the Anti Street Cone Committee Today! In this Anti Street Cone Training Course you have been captured by a particularly bloodthirsty band of Street Cone Troopers. The Orange Force has thrown you to face some of their most feared warriors. You must fall back on your shooting skills and every fiber of your being to defeat them. You start off in the underground fighting arena armed with nothing but a pistol. After 30 seconds of Hell the service door opens up. You must fight the Gravity Hammer Cone and Needler Cone to get access to the Bomb. Arm the Bomb and send those Cones back where they belong. +Supports 3 Player CO-OP +Supports Blue Team Color Only Along with intense action encounters this training course has 8 hidden grenades. 2 Frag grenades 2 Plasma grenades 2 Spike grenades 2 Flame grenades 1 Bubble shield (Dubbed 'Uber' Secret) Kill all the Cones, Find all the Grenades, and Arm the Bomb to beat the course completely. Screen Shots: Player Spawn & The Silent Observer Deadly with a chance of rain Leave no survivors Raining Pain Only good cone is a dead cone... The back room Arm the Bomb Make a Hole
You must be very creative! nice idea. Great merging and it's funnt in the room with lots of cones with guns =)
uh yeah, I dont get it lol. srry. Do you have to knock over all the cones to win, or could someone just beat it anyway? really good map though! 4.8/5
I'm not sure if this is like an obstacle course of some type, but I like it. The design is great, the layout looks nice, and it has an odd, sterile feel to it.
the map looks fine, but you might want to explain the game a little more intead of relying on the background story to explain how to play
I provided a link the the ASCC Bungie Group in the post. There is a full insight on everything about the evil Street Cones and why some of us dedicate our lives to their destruction.
Well you could in theory leave the cones alone and still beat the course. But I don't see why would wouldn't want to fill them with lead. Yes you could, but it is very tricky to pull off. I provided a link to the ASCC Bungie Group, if you are interested in knowing more about Cones I encourage you to explore the group.
HAHAHAHAHA this psot made me laugh. great job. Im defeniuty gonna DL this to see how it works. the greatest thing about this map is the cones . 5/5
pffft hahaha. dude i am completely alone while lookin at this and it still made me laugh my ass off. it's like the James Bond cone just stumbled into a room with his nemesis waiting for him behind all the enemies. the most climactic moment of the entire thing lol
He gets me every time. Just be glad Laser Cone got Scrapped. Us members of the ASCC are big on humor. We fight Cones for Pete's sake.
this is great! nothing amazing yet it has an amazing level of creativity. 10/5 for that alone good job.
Thanks I have alot of ideas for Anti Street Cone Courses floating around in my head, And I love hiding stuff for people to find.
Its a fun game to play with some of your buddies. Killing cones always gets a good laugh or two. And I like finding secrets and stuff, However if you are only interested in competitive games this is not the map for you.