Prison on Switch

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Dante_Decem, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    To Be Played With My Cops + Robbers Varient= : Community : Forum Topic Listing


    I hated this jail cell. Hated these walls. Hated every goddamn thing inside this prison, really.
    I hated rotting in the corner. I hated waiting for lunch. I hated having to raise my hand to go to the bathroom.
    But on a day that would change my life, everything was going normal. It was 11 o'clock. Time for my cell's lunch. They single-filed us down the long walk past the gym and bathroom, leading us into the cafeteria.
    The food was rubbish as usual. But I saw what looked like a propane tank that fueled the kitchens ovens. I descreetly pointed this out to my fellow prisoners. Who lowered both their heads and their voices.
    "We've seen that a long time ago. Been waiting for the right moment."
    "To do what?" I asked, my brain scheming.
    "To blow it." replied the second man.
    "When's the right moment? Whenever a guard is nearby? Another one will come anyway..."
    "Son, we've been sneaking out when the watch is sleeping. Digging out holes in the walls and placing home-made bombs inside. The satchel follows all around the prison, leading into the walls behind our cell. If all the cells blow, the trucks behind the prison should blow too. That would create a big enough bomb to break the walls of our cells. We're talking a mass prison break." The first man replied. A guard strode by on duty.
    "Keep your mouth shut or I'll kill you, rat." Spoke the second man, his fist raised at me.
    "One question" I said, as soon as the guard was out of range. "How do you plan to blow the first charge?"
    "We've stashed a weapon in the crane."
    Needless to say, I slept little that night. Every thought centered on escape, the good life. And revenge on these pigs that put me in my current position. Also needless to say, I escaped very soon.

    Other Information:
    You're going to be in prison for a long time. So get a hang of the ropes.
    +The Gym offers only one activity, soccer.
    ++Soccer balls can be moved without firing a weapon. This is acheived by standing on top of them facing the direction you wish to move, and walking backwards as you begin to fall off the front. You may also stand behind the ball and simply run forward to move it. But this allows for little control.
    ++Don't try to bring the ball in your jail-cell. You could put an eye out. (Seriously, the shields will fire it back at you and take away health, this can also piss off the guards if they get hit)
    +Piss on the walls.
    +If you tear apart a table in the cafeteria, have the common decency to repair it. (Melee it until the pallet breaks. It will auto-respawn)

    Cops and Robbers Rules:
    You do as the Cops (blue zombies) say. They will call you by name, at this point you must crouch and stay crouched or they will kill you. They lead you to your jail cell (where you spawn at actually). Use any advantage to escape the jail. Prisoners shouldn't kill cops (you can, but it's against moral rules). Cops can kill prisoners if they attempt to kill cops. Every so often prisoners can ask to go to the cafeteria or the bathroom. The bathroom has a flare, the cafeteria has both flare and radar jammer. Throw these down and escape if you can. The only way to really escape is to set off the satchel charges and run for it. The cops will persue you, so make a quick run to the vehicles.
    Golden Rule: Never, ever, eveeeeer, charge your plasma pistol.
    If you are a blue zombie, you are the cop. Keep the prisoners in order. Be mature. Kill them if they don't do as you say. Attempt to not get killed by flare.

    Download Switch: : Community : Forum Topic Listing
    Created by Me: shockedfrog
    #1 Dante_Decem, Jul 16, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2008
  2. BennyIV

    BennyIV Ancient
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    seems kinda cool but i dont like cops and robbers 3/5
    Dante_Decem likes this.
  3. drak

    drak Ancient
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    haha i like the story nice!
    Dante_Decem likes this.
  4. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    Not my best work of literature, but I felt I should at least flare up the map description xD
  5. Chain Guns

    Chain Guns Ancient
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    Haha, great story. Is the objective just to escape? I'm not clear on that.
  6. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    Normal cops and robbers game basically.
    You do as the Cops (blue zombies) say. They will call you by name, at this point you must crouch and stay crouched or they will kill you. They lead you to your jail cell (where you spawn at actually). Use any advantage to escape the jail. Prisoners shouldn't kill cops (you can, but it's against moral rules). Cops can kill prisoners if they attempt to kill cops. Every so often prisoners can ask to go to the cafeteria or the bathroom. The bathroom has a flare, the cafeteria has both flare and radar jammer. Throw these down and escape if you can. The only way to really escape is to set off the satchel charges and run for it. The cops will persue you, so make a quick run to the vehicles.

    Golden Rule: Never, ever, eveeeeer, charge your plasma pistol.
  7. Silent oo death

    Silent oo death Ancient
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    great story and great map. Keep them coming!
  8. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    The map is called switch because it works as a gigantic switch.
    Switch= an object in-game usually not variable used so that it becomes a variable to the player. Such as blowing up a propane tank to follow a line of charges to set your fellow man free.
  9. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    Thanks :D

    It's not the best it could be. I started this morning. Maybe six hours put into it? But it looks nice and serves its purpose, right?
  10. Baconinja

    Baconinja Ancient
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    I don't know...the map looks great, 5 stars but cops and robbers is too much of an honor game. The cops just blow the inmates brains out and it's over. I mean, they kill you for doing nothing.
  11. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Cops and robbers has been done sooooo many times before. I like the descriptions under each picture, but it is still very unoriginal. Honor rules usually do not go well in this day in age although it worked perfect for h2.
  12. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    lol I must say, the narrative is quite an inventive idea to explain the concept behind the map. Kudos to you sir.

    and despite FH's hatred of honor rules, i liked how you disguised them as "morals" and certain acts are "objectionable"...nice take on cops and robbers/prison escape
  13. ThPerfectDrug77

    ThPerfectDrug77 Ancient
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    yeah i agree. the forging looks nice, and i like the story, but it feels better as a story. i was waiting to see some spartans bust the tank and make a break for it. playability seems like it would be really kool, but those damn honor rules never work for me lol
  14. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    :p Just get better friends. Even if the honor rules don't work out, it's still funny because you can laugh at the situation. Almost every mini-game has honor rules. Such as inability to shoot and waiting for correct timings. I guess I made this for the CR fans :p
  15. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    If you die first you can call vengeance.

    Truthfully, in almost every CR game I've played. By round 5 I was kicking ass at spawning as a prisoner xD Just because by that point it's complete mayhem.

    If you want to play by the rules that's fine. Boot the people who don't. But have fun with it at least.
  16. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    I'll probably pull a few action shots and action video's as soon as my CR buddies get online.
  17. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    You gotta get their voices in it too lol. I loved playing Cops and Robbers by the unofficial rules, but I don't know too many people who do. Especially since all of the mature people don't really like infection as much as the little kiddies who think killing someone with a shotgun in infection means that you own.

    Good job on the map though.
  18. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    nice story! although it is good, it probably has many bugs and glitches. like taking stuff and building to get over the wall. Also most players will just kill. honor system =0
  19. Dante_Decem

    Dante_Decem Ancient
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    There are some points that allow for getting out. The soccer ball is the main problem. It can be moved anywhere and allows for a higher jump. It's still hard to stand on top of and most people won't consider it at all.
  20. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    im sorry but it looks pretty plain and easy to get out of.

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