Splaser Cats

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by uralllame, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. uralllame

    uralllame Ancient
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    I heard you guys were in need of mini games, so here goes:


    Splaser Cats

    Welcome to Splaser Cats, a mini game similar to the ever popular Cat and Mouse. These are the rules:

    Cats (Zombies):

    1: Cats spawn on the landing pad, next to a Hornet. There can be either 3 or 6 Cats/Alpha Zombies, using 1 or 2 hornets respectively. The left landing pad is used for 3 Cat games.

    2: Eagle eyed viewers will have seen the 2 custom powerups next to the passenger seats. The Cats initially have a White colour, 0 damage multiplier, 150m enhanced motion tracker and can pilot the Hornet. When the Custom Powerup is used, the cats turn Black, the damage multiplier is restored to 100%, but you lose the motion tracker and ability to pilot the Hornet. So, when you spawn, the pilots get in the Hornet, passenger pick up a Custom Powerup and get on.

    3: Once everybody is onboard, fly away and start lasering all the mice on the ground.

    4: After 90 seconds, the effect of the Custom Powerup is over, and the Black Cats turn back to White. This indicates that the damage multiplier is back to 0, and you must return to the landing pad to continue. You may think this proccess would be annoying, I did, but now I realise it has many benefits:
    - It stops the pilot from using the machine guns.
    - It discourages passengers leaving the hornet to try and go solo.
    - It gives the poor mousies a break.

    Go back to step 3 and repeat untill all puny Mice are destroyed.

    Mice (Humans):

    1: Mice spawn on the other side of the map, and must get on a Mongoose quickly.

    2: This time, the Mice bite back. Each Mouse is equiped with a Rocket Launcher and Brute Shot. The Rocket Launcher is for taking out the Cats. The Brute Shot... if you've seen the Goose-Tage, you'll know what it's for. So, try to get 1 Mouse driving, and another on the back for shooting/launching. If you saw that last pic, I actually made that shot, here's the vid.

    3: The mice must try to evade the laser fire or destroy the cat.

    Well, those are the rules... sort of, it's best just to play it. Here is some other information that might help:
    - The initial Alpha Zombie count is 3, increase it to 6 if you have a large party.
    - The player traits are normalish damage wise. Humans don't have a motion tracker, and everyone experiences twice the gravity and runs half as fast. This slows you down, so running is NEVER a good strategy!
    - Last Man standing has a marker above his head.
    - Everyone has one life, and each round has a 5 minute time limit, but it's normally over quicker than that.
    - 3 rounds per game, alough that can be increased to 10 :)
    - All the caves and that are sealed off, so there will be no hiding here, thank you very much!

    Well, here's the download:
    Map Link.
    Gametype Link.

    Here's an album with all the screenshots, alough, by popular demand, I have embedded all the pics:

    I hope you enjoy it.

    #1 uralllame, Jul 16, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2008
    AqueousBeaver likes this.
  2. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    This looks like a very well thought out minigame. i will give it a try to see if it plays nicely.

  3. Baconinja

    Baconinja Ancient
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    Hmmm...this sounds fun but i think you need more pictures to go along with your description. I can't tell if the map is changed drastically or not.

    Dl is possible with more info/pictures added in. Embed the album pics.
  4. drak

    drak Ancient
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    looks like one of the most fun mini-game maps ive seen...ive been thinking about a really similiar thing too!
  5. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    hope it plays as good as it sounds, minigames on the rise
  6. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    Very well thought out, although I'm thinking it would be very hard to fight back or get away from the cat. Also, the idea of having to come back to the base seems repetitive to me, although maybe what you said after the fact is true.
  7. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    it looks cool and all, but what up with the name?
  8. stone0043

    stone0043 Ancient
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    i agree that you should embed the pics, it is annoying to keep clicking and waiting for each pic to load
  9. uralllame

    uralllame Ancient
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    This is what's up with the name

    The pictures are included in the post. I have added hyperlink to the rules, alough it is hard to see with the formatting on this forum. I'll underline them in a bit.

    The actual map is really just a canvas with the caves and bases sealed off. The only real changes are the landing pas and Mongeese. It's far from my greatest forgery, but one of my favourite games.

    I thought the base return thing would be annoying, but 90 seconds is quite a long time when you are playing, and it usually only happens twice a round. Usually less, if the pilot is very good or very bad.

    This game was originally created at a casual LAN party, but it was mostly honour rules... which soon went to pot...
    #9 uralllame, Jul 16, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2008
  10. ezekeil20five17

    ezekeil20five17 Ancient
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    I started a very similar thing to this yesterday{birds of prey}great minds think alike i havent done the avalanche map yet and have done a similar thing with the power ups i will be posting mine in a few days i have not and would not ever steal a map but it is basiclly the same thing with more maps and more{not a lot more} forging i really like the idea and you have implemented it very well
  11. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    looks like a fun twist on cat and mouse 4/5
  12. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    nice game, but one thing: machine...gun.....hornet......is there a way to fix em?
  13. uralllame

    uralllame Ancient
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    Yeah. Intially, Zombies have a 0 damage multiplier, so the machine gun is just a small annoyance. When they pick up a CP, damage is restored to 100%, but they are restricted to being a passenger only.
  14. AqueousBeaver

    AqueousBeaver Ancient
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    This is a cool idea, and a nice twist on Cat n Mouse. I love the anti-griefing system you've got going on, but my one complaint was that you need some shield doors or something to prevent the cats from being hit when going back for the recharge (or camping there on foot). Also I wonder if the mice would be able to boost themselves up to the platform.
  15. Dark3nd Av3ng3r

    Dark3nd Av3ng3r Ancient
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    It looks fun and its probabaly fun to play as well but I have one thing I'd like to ask.
    Why didn't you(correct me if I'm wrong) Make objects scattered around the map for the mice to use as cover. You may say it would look tack but brute shots won't save you everytime. Plus if they fly at the hieght barrier, its alot less movement of the reticule to follow thier target. Just making suggestions. Overall 4/5 for originality.
    Am4.5/5 for gameplay.
  16. mrod009

    mrod009 Ancient
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    what stops the cats from getting out of the hornet to kill them...
  17. uralllame

    uralllame Ancient
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    Mice run away to the other side, then after 90 seconds, they can't get to the custom powerups and are sitting ducks.
  18. YellowRabbit DK

    YellowRabbit DK Ancient
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    what if u play whit a faggish mise who just run into the ower and hide till he goes last ma... mice standig ? only problem i see so far
  19. Terminate421

    Terminate421 Ancient
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    looks worth downloading
  20. Cries Of Pain

    Cries Of Pain Ancient
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    pretty cool, keep up the good work!

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