Fresh 2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by finklestein69, Jul 15, 2008.

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  1. swimthug

    swimthug Ancient
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    This map is not flawed and was made exactly as we planned. There is one base merely because this is an Offense Vs. Defense map. The Defensive team spawns in the base, where they are greeted by a mass amount of weapons (that include turrets) to help fend off the Offense, and try to maintain the possession of their base. The Offense spawns behind the double wall at the other end next to the Sign B. They are also greeted by mass amounts of weapons, mancannons, equipment, and mongooses to help aid their attack, but could easily be destroyed by the wall of fusion coils that line the Defensive base. Yes, the Camo and Oversheild are too close together and that we have fixed. The walls are random but we weren't trying to make a certain specefic layout, just putting walls that players could hide behind and use as barriers from the other team.
  2. finklestein69

    finklestein69 Ancient
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    swimthug just told it as it is. so try the map out and see if you like it.
  3. finklestein69

    finklestein69 Ancient
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    this map is bomb digity and i love it to death. i would marry it if it was llegal. best map i hav ever made
  4. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Ok, this thread is full of spam, double posts, and people feeling the need to tell him over and over again how to post pics.

    To all in this thread, once a member has been given a link or a description on how to post a map there is no need to do it over and over again. Anything after that should be left up to us, the Mods.

    I am locking this thread and if the user who posted this wants to post it again I will allow it, but only if it is posted in the correct manner.
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