Totally awsome, Most ratsnest maps are boring, but this one gave this map a better name & reputation!
Finally a map that's not on foundry. This looks like a good map. The only bad thing is there is no Warthog. 5/5
Nice dl LINK REMOVED - NO ADVERTS check out the link in my signature and get free Microsoft points and more fast and easy. plz
I hate these people that assume that Hangar is bad because of the pics shown. You can't show the gameplay in a pic, and everyone else saying it wasn't good because of their team's teamwork, go find someone who actually knows the meaning "work together" and then come back and say that this map is bad. (if you can that is )
this map is epically competitive, and a must DL. Not to mention that the video made by this running chron guy isn't too bad either.
i like to see maps that are awesome that dont have interlocking (even thogh its pretty cool). it shows real talent. great job
looks like a great rats nest map with little interlocking the map looks great. It will give it a....4.8/5 Nice Map
Everything on this map is tailored to gameplay, chosen and placed very carefully. This map is a great example of forging for gameplay, and being on rats nest its even more of an achievement. Its not as obviously skilled as some maps, but after a game or two you really see how well forged it is.
From the pics it looks really boring, but when you play it, it is so fun! glad to see it isnt foundry =)