opo, that is simply not the case. I think you're having a hard time empathizing with animals because of their differences. But obviously they feel pain and misery. And to say that they can't comprehend it is a coping mechanism. I can't find anything good on it, but maybe you should familiarize yourself with the concepts of anthropocentrism and biocentrism. Is evil the result of the lack of empathy? I think you have PETA confused with the ALF
if i could i would totally be a vegetarian. im totally for it...but im just soo....idk, american? i love my milk and my chicken and once in a greeeeat while beef and steak and such. there's almost no way.....but i do wish i could. lol
I still watched your vidoes, and even tho its pretty scary how all this stuff comes from the super farm, to our homes, is werid. But i have to say, ill still eat meat, the video really did not effect me... in an odd way, im craving a nice chicken sandwich right now. But that might be my surgery talking because i havnt ate a solid food in 14 days, and im starving.. Cant wait to bite down in a juciy burger
I read a little bit of the articles, and I understand them, but my opinion stays the same. I know that they can feel misery and pain, and I know they dont like it, but I'm trying to say that its not in a human way. Some people without even knowing it expect animals to love, hate, and have other emotions, just like humans. I'm sick of people looking at a bull like it has feelings.
1. if things evolved to eat meat than they should eat meat. if u believe in evolution like me then we basicly all evolved from cells and through those stages we ate many different things, just because we ate vegetables before this "stage" then that doesnt mean we can only eat them and survive now, we need these different vitamins and proteins to survive now 2. kinda goes with 1 since if u think u should eat meat then it blows 2 away 'cause it shows we need to eat meat 3. these videos just go through different processes, although i dont work in a slaughterhouse i highly doubt all slaughterhouses deal with everything that you see in this video, plus animals that eat meat are probably worse that slaughterhouses, think of what meet your meat would be like if lions worked there.....
There are many members of PETA who have committed acts of terrorism. While PETA has never applauded their extreme efforts, they haven't condemned them either.
This is easy (if you believe in God). God created animals as creatures for our enjoyment. When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden apple, they were banished from the Garden of Eden. Sin had been brought into the world and it was okay to kill animals for game. For this reason, I find it ok to eat meat. If animals go to heaven, they're there when we get there. If they don't go anywhere then screw them, one tasty meal. I can't believe I just said screw animals, I'm talking about cows and stuff, not dogs or anything. I think that meat tastes good, so I eat tasty animals... end of story. To people that don't believe in God however, this would be looked at differently. Morals could be questioned. For example, one could state: If I will be indigted for killing and eating Joe, then how could it be different to eat a wild lion? Back to me, If I eat a wild lion, I'm fine with that. If I eat kill and eat Joe, I won't be fine with that, I'll go to prison, and would have killed one of God's own living creatures. If I kill my neighbor's pet rat suzie and eat, that would be just plain disgusting, everybody know rats taste horrible. However, if I killed my other neighbor's pet rabbit name Sarah and ate it, that would be wrong because it belonged to a human who loved it, as God loves his own, the humans. Therefore, as long as the animal is raised to be eaten or slayed off the road or eaten ran over on the road, I could eat it. Edit: After seeing the video, I am sorry for the animals abused. I do not change my views except for the view on raised animals. I feel bad for those ones, but a quick death won't hurt. It is not my fault or anybody who doesn't work on a farm for this cruelty, so boycotting doesn't seem to work. Laws that fix these abuses sound better to me. How did America get its freedom, the boycotting or the war? Yes, the war. The war is like laws. If the laws protect the farmers torturing the animals, then by those who base their opinion on the torture, it should be in all fact right to not question the beating of animals, as it is part of the laws. Therefore, those opinions have nothing to do with the People Eating Tasty Animals, but farmers beating the animals. If people wan't to debate on that, let them make their own thread, but simply voicing your opinion on forgehub won't stop something that Congress argues on. Voice your opinion to them, and maybe that will hear you out. I want nothing to do with any of this. If you all care so much, get off your lazy @$$es and do something about it. Again, another metaphor, the law makers stand when agreeing on a law, they don't sit and raise their hands. Amen!
Yeah, I think I'm going to take the blue pill also. Anyways, thanks for making this thread, Predicide. I usually like these kind-of threads. (*I think I have already seen about 30 seconds of one of these videos.*) I'm going to post a video about a deer peeing in Predicide's corn fields now.
pretty interesting to c what every 1 thinks on the subject, my sister is a vegetarian and it hasnt changed my life as much, because in this day anage, but she tries showing me/telling me how crual people are being etc. and if you see the leaflets she shows me it would horror/scar some of you for life but...i try not to think about it when ordering food. in my opinion its up to you, i dont think anyone shoud tell you what you can or cannot eat and i respect other peoples chioces.
Hey everyone, thanks for the input. I really like reading everyone's take on the subject. Driscoll... great insert, very interesting. I'm sorry but I really don't have time right now to give some fair responses (I'm in a... sub-optimal situation right now)... please bear with me for about a week, then I'll be back here in full force. Oh and yes M715ForLife.. I still have a leather wallet. I've had it for years, way before I became a vegetarian. When it wears out, my next one will be made of something else.
well what i don't understand about you is why you don't eat chese or milk. milk and chese don't involve killing the animal. and your not eaating the animal unless you think that cows are milk. it's kinda like saying i'm not drinking water because it is from the earth so i think i'm eating the earth. other wise i'm fine with you being a vegin/vegitarian. i once was against eating bird, but i changed back to eatting it.(after having a horrible chicken incounter) so eat what your going to eat. i'm fine with it. cause i'm an omnivor. i think there are some points that eating animals is wrong. like the fact that you killed it. but then again you have to fight to stay at the top of the food chain right? ok i am watching meat your meat. yeah i think that they should make it a lot less pain full and harsh for the animal. but at one of my favorite resturants they do very good to the cows. they give them masouge before they...you know. and they make there life good. they feed them corn and hay and let them have lots of space to live. then when they do it they sedate them to make sure they won't fell the pain. and they give them masouges! so i think the cows are happy cows! and it's not the young ones that they do it to. they do it to them when they have been adults for a while. but it is veal that i don't think is humane. they keep baby sheep cramped so they don't move and they only feed them milk. it is torcher. they can't move and they are tring to grow but can't. then they do it. while they are still babys...
I am not a vegan, but have nothing wrong with them. I understand how they think it's wrong to kill animals just so we can have something that tastes a little better. Who I do have a problem with, however, is PETA. One of my friends had gotten threatened with his life because he ate meat, and he got so scared he stopped eating it. I understand it's not the whole organization doing things like this, It just seems wrong that people would go to such extreme measures as threatening to kill someone because of them not being a vegetarian. I also, as other people here have talked about, realized that many people like this would never think about eating an animal, but go out and buy a leather wallet or a fur coat with out a second thought...Kind of ironic. Sorry if this sounded like I was hating on vegetarians, I'm not trying to.
how can you say we are herbivores, all you have to do is look at our teeth to tell that we airnt why would we have sharp pointy teeth good for cutting and ripping meat if we where herbivores, we would have all flat teeth like cows if we where herbivores.
It really doesn't matter. After the human race has killed each other off, cows and chicken can do whatever they want to our maimed, radioactive corpses.
i eat meat but after watching the first video i dont want to watch the second one. Its terrible what they go through. I wish they could live better lives and if they must die for food then at least they could die better with less torment.
Meat is definitely delicious and I probably couldn't go without it, but I try to at least not eat veal because of the way they treat baby cows. =(
Look I like to eat meat. It tastes good. It provides you with things you need in your diet. There are others source of course. I go by the phrase: Just because I'll eat the burger, doesn't mean I want to see the cow.