Map Title:Foundation Foundation from H2 Map DL All Gametypes should work Description: its Foundation from H2 its fun to play, but it doesn't have the 4 rooms, not enough money. but hey so what? looks interesting. I think there could be more thought put into it. Like making it more strategic.
True. For something to be a remake it needs to be so similar that blind people couldn't tell a significant difference. Which, when you think about it, is not that difficult because they probably couldn't notice a huge difference between Midship and Avalanche, and i do not mean to disgrace blind people, it is just a thought.
i agree. it could be like a semi remake but its just not foundation once you take away those rooms. maybe if you made the map a little smaller you could fit the rooms. and the map is a little sloppy too. and btw. i didnt even like foundation because of the camping rooms so if this was a little more organized i would download it even without the rooms.
Skulls N Guns; 1. Do not double post, just edit your last post with more information. 2. To be "foundation" it should have the rooms in back, so your map is more of a spiritual successor. From the screenshot you've given, though, your map does look very nice. It's clean, I can tell it's interlocked to somewhat of a high degree, and I'm liking the overall feel. Ignore what everyone else is telling you, you've done a good job. You might want to add a few more pictures, though...
Hey mate, could you not double post. The map looks nice, but it doesnt look like it'll provide the true foundation theme when playing. For one, it looks a lot more like a circle, the outer ledge, instead of a sqaure. And the rooms seem to have been replaced with cover.
new pic up, first post. EDIT: ok for the rooms i could do it by taking the fence boxes and turning them on there side so the open part faces the hallway. it wont be vary deep but it'd work.
It looks good, clean looking, i think you should add a roof to the middle thing though. Where the sword spawns
over the sword or the whole thing? so dose it really need the rooms? BTW remake can also mean the original with some added content, in this case minus content. BBTW the map is not to small its the same size give or take.You just move faster/jump higher.
it looks good but its more of a spiritual sucsessor than a remake anyway good job on interlocking and such looks good