this is a pic i took while forging when i riped of a spartins arms in forge ball. it is not modded! it is extrealmly hard to do and i don't want 2 explane NOW but here is the pic: of you click it it will take you to the link. another from the side: and just for fun! here is one step before the arms are torn off. if you could comment and rate on bungie that would be nice!:squirrel_rubberduck thanks and i will add a video soon of me doing the arm ripping off. just for fun here is to fun pics that took place b4 the rip off. the video will be added soon. also here is the link 2 my screenes on bungie if you want 2 see any other 1's i have. i have like 2 other pics from this forge event. and then 2 pics on foundry. HERE IS DA LINK! P.S. sorry if the pics don't work. some showed up on mine. i don't know if it was my parental controls that blocked it though.
k i will. i will suplied the vid in a bit i have to dnld off my file share which will take a bit to get on my computer. then on youtube then here. it will take me bout an hour 'cause i gots other things to do. in the mean time you can just dnld it 2 ur xbx and watch it there. get it from my this link HERE
I lol'd when I saw that. Worse than I did when I first got rickrolled on youtube. That WAS funny. Now it is gay. Please can you rate these sigs I made? I will love you forever.