Favorite Memories Throughout all the Halo's

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by NinjaSlayer368, Dec 4, 2007.

  1. NinjaSlayer368

    NinjaSlayer368 Ancient
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    well whats your favorite memory from playing any of the Halo's?

    Mine has to be constantly playing the campaign from the first Halo with my friends or just duking it out with 4 people to box split screen.

    For Halo 2 I just loved doing really fun custom games with people and making up stupid jokes with friends about them

    Halo 3 just playing it
  2. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Machinima, just thinking of all the story lines and random things I made. Fun times.
  3. TheYavimayan

    TheYavimayan Ancient
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    Probably the insanity at the end of Halo 2, who wasn't about to flip out or did indeed go crazy :p
  4. gman347

    gman347 Ancient
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    lol so true...

    my favorite was halo 2 custom games. so many laughs. i played it for god knows how long. from the day i got it to the day halo 3 came out. almost.
  5. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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    Gameplay memories:

    I loved the part in Halo CE when you would drive down the canyon and into a forunner cave (its all matalic and such) and cortana says "This cave is not a natural formation, It must lead somewhere".. Oh, really?
  6. Ty

    Ty Guest

    The introduction of the Flood in halo CE was pretty epic. But the closing scene to Floodgate in Halo 3 pretty much has them all beat, even "return to sender"
  7. Lance001

    Lance001 Ancient
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    I hated the XBOX until I played Halo. I was a hardcore Gamecube fan. Then I played Halo. Curse its very being...I am forever hooked.

    Favorite moments? The introduction of the Flood; scared the living crap out of me. Truth and Reconciliation, because of so much sniper ammo. Final level, I just about peed my pants during that crazy timed run.

    I wish there were moments like those...
  8. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
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    You DO know that the Xbox version of Halo: CE came out BEFORE the console?
  9. SniperTofu

    SniperTofu Ancient

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    Final level was so funny and fun. Meh friends and I were playing it when Halo came out and we didn't know it was timed. So we were waiting for our last friend to catch up and it started falling and we all fell and one of us fell near a side of a tower thing, and our friend was in chopper, and he landed straight into us while were falling and exploded. It was lol. ;D
  10. DareDefyMe88

    DareDefyMe88 Ancient
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    Probably funniest thing for me was playing Halo Ce for the first time. I was in a gaming store and they had just come out with xbox and Halo. Of course I had never even heard about Halo then, and after playing Playstation so much, I didn't even have a clue what xbox was like.

    Well I went into a KB Toys and they had an xbox hooked up to a Halo Demo. The level was The Silent Cartographer so you start off in the ship and land on the beach. I remember thinking it was pretty cool that the triggers actually made you shoot. But being so much younger, the massive controllers they used to have were so big for me. Plus I died so fast. I thought "This game sucks" and just walked away from it.

    Funny because now I'm obsessed with Halo and Xbox.
  11. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Halo: Combat Evolved : Definately driving over the waterfall on the seconds level in the Warthog over and over again.

    Halo: PC : Getting into clans and stuff for Halo, getting much more skilled and I loved the extra PC maps.

    Halo 2 : Custom games; Zombie, 300, Tower of Power.

    Halo 3 : Epic Campaign, awesome multiplayer, forge.
  12. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    Halo: CE - The second level, driving the Warthog all over the place!
    Intro of the Flood.
    Messing around on the Maw.
    Trying to beat the Maw on legendary for the ending.
    The fourth level: favorite level of all Halos!

    Halo: PC - Clans, and modding ;D And the maps ;D

    Halo 2 - Meeting cool new people that I played with everyday. Custom games like Zombies!

    Halo 3 - Forge. Im great at matchmaking! Crow's Nest is an awesome level too.
  13. 343 Guilty Spark

    Senior Member

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    The first time you see an Elite in the first.
  14. scardypoopoo

    scardypoopoo Ancient
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    definitly playing through the halo 1 campaign...the last level especially...it was amazing!
  15. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I once had a Halo 2 party at my house with 15 of my friends. No one went to sleep. I want to have a Halo 3 party now, plus it would we be easier since every one has wireless adapters now and we upgraded 3 of our tvs (lets just say I play halo 3 on a 72" screen)
  16. jake2k3

    jake2k3 Ancient
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    Favorite Halo memory? Easy descision for me. Halo:CE, me and one of my friends played a snipers game on Boarding Action (the big, multi-tiered, space one), turned active camo on, and turned the bass up real high on my TV. Kills were scarce and few, and we were constantly on the lookout for the other person. The bass boost made the sniper shots booming loud, (usually resulting in an "OMG" or "****" or some kind of outburst like that from the guy getting shot) and made for a very tense moment when you were being shot at. It made for a very scary, intense feeling that you were never safe, and that at any time you could be down. We had set the score to 50, but we called the game around 25 because it had gone on so long.

    Definately one of my favorite moments in all of video-game history.
  17. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Mine is probably losing my way on one of the halo 2 levels, or with my old group of friends in halo 3 everything I say they basically repeat with your mom. Example.

    Me: Zombies coming up on the left side one has camo
    rndomnooblet24234234: I camo'd you're mom last night
    Chorus of idiots: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!1111!
  18. Miner of Moria

    Miner of Moria Ancient
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    My favorite thing about Halo are the last levels in 1 & 3 when you're running away in a Warthog. Ahhh....good times....good times... ;D
  19. Klip LK

    Klip LK Ancient
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    First Halo: My first time, my second time, and my third and final time.
    The first at my friend's house ("Game sucks" I said to him)
    Second time at camp (We had an xbox set up there, so we played multiplayer, I got owned, "This game sucks!!!")
    Third time at my cousins we played Multiplayer and I sucked but this time.... "I LOVE THIS @&$!ing GAME!"
    Halo Two: Christmas day when I first got my xbox and halo 1 & 2 and the summer day I wooped the sentinels, flood, and elites :D
    HALO 3 The day I got my 360 (Halo edition of course :D) and the day I discovered forge and set up XBL :D :D :D
  20. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Here we go, my Halo memories.

    Halo 1: I was at a friends house playing H1:pC. CTF on Blood Gulch. It was fun just getting in the passenger seat, and the guy drove the entire warthog into the base. Needless to say, me and my friend we're cracking up.

    Halo 2: My first shooter. Really. I was 11 and the whole experience was amazing.

    Halo 3: Either playing customs with Forge Hub, or Cortana saying 'frigate' every 5 seconds.

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