Discription: Well I made this map for the crisis of Mini Games. In this game there is one zombie (the shooter) that will come to the Shootin Gallery after 10secs. If you are the human then you will be on the Gallery trying to dodge being shot by the Shooter, also if you are a human you can kill the Shooter with your infinite grenedes. Inspired by: Two maps that inspired me to make this map are...Jenga Tower and Duck Hunt Map:Shootin Gallery Game Type (MUST be played with):Shooter Reconmended Players: 5-16 Point System: -Killing the Shooters-1pt. -Killing the Human-2pt. -Lastman Standing-3pt. -Suicide-Minus 5pt. Q&A so far: Q:Is there a Time Limit? A:Yes 5mins and there are 5 rounds. Q:Can you betrayl? A:Nope... Pictures: Where the Shooter Spawns Where the Shooter Shoots A Human Hidding When humans die they become Shooters After 3mins the Shooters get a Pro Shooter And the humans can't exscape... The Gallery...after awhile...
haha dood that looks sweet idk how well it would work out, people would betray the poop outta you, its honor rules, but still looks fantastic
Forgot to say... you cant betrayl.(for above post) Yes also forgot to say that there is 5mins.(for below post) And I also just added a Q&A for those Question and I will keep updating for all other Questions...
Wow, for the sake of mini-games, you do a good job. It looks fun. All the scenery included in this map is great for staying alive. Does the gametype have a time limit? (I would check, but I'm away from 360 for a week.)
nice minigame! Why is there extra stuff if you only fight in the one small area? Otherwise, once again, nice minigame!
When I saw the design of your map I lol-ed because it looked so funny and cool. Anyway, the whole idea isn't too new, but your construction and execution made this minigame look very nice. 4.5/5
Deserves a feature tbh. Maybe it isn't an original or super exciting idea, but it will definitely hope and inspiration to every single forger out there. It inspires me to make a fort or something. That could be quite a good minigame idea... Idea: the perimeter of a square. Zombies stand on the walls where they are boxed in, and humans have infinate stickies. Zombies need a headshot or 3 body snipes to kill a human. Humans have 150 damage resistance. The humans must run around, avoiding the hunters sniper bullets, whilst trying to stick them all at the same time. I think that sounds like a good idea. One of you can go make that. I will drink my lemonade.
Cool map though some of my friends thought it would be fun to fall of the edge because there is a 32 sec respawn time other than that great and fun map
Never thought of that....maybe I should change it. But I'm glad that everyone likes it so far and thanks for the good ratings.