Hammer Head Guns are used for all sorts of things, writing, killing, and now for clothing, I found this one out of random when playing a game of infection Female Brute Back when the first halo rin was around females were aloud to join the army, now, after the discovery of the ark they are aloowed to again ^_^ i found this one when in theater mode, through the eyes of an explosion Respect these two can't dare to look at each other but they respect each other with a hand shake i got this one when running between two brutes trying to punch me Please give me useful feedback (and anybetter descriptions)
didn't think of that Mr mostache, i always saw it as the two lights as the eyes and the big 0 in the bottom the centre the mouth and the one above the displaced nose, but now that you've mentioned that it dose i've never played army of two so i woundt know, but thanks anyway
oo a cool idea, the screenshots are good very funny, the first 1 iv never seen before so well done on that, the last 1 hav seen something similar but still makes me lough every time, cool gallery
thanks for that i haven't considered any original (except hammer head) and if it wasn't I'm not too fussed as i found them all by accident