T.t.t.g. V3

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SavvyAbbyDaddy, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. SavvyAbbyDaddy

    SavvyAbbyDaddy Ancient
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    Team Tactical Training Grounds. This is a team only map. Plain and Simple FFA doesnt go good here. Ive tried it with my friends and it was absolute chaos. But if your into those types of games than i guess it will work. You and your team need to work together in order to get anywhere. Oh yeah watch out for the gravity hammer.

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  2. drak

    drak Ancient
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    FIRST !!! WOOT !!!

    looks great not much interlocking but great 4.5/5
    on second though, i just looked through a little more, and it looks like a pitiful remake of gridlocked, without interlocking, and crap like thtat, also, there are no weps from what i can see, and not thought out at all...all in all, 1.5/5 for aesthetics, 3/5 for gameplay (i actally think it would be OK, something to play for like 5 mins, and then say F-this, and then delete it cuz its a waste of space....so all in all, 2/5, for this pitiful remake of gridlocked!

    PLUS walls are crooked, so that crapola of aesthetics being 1.5/5 is actually 1/5

    Despite your effort to avoid an infraction for spamming by editing your post, you're getting an infraction for being Offensive towards the mapmaker. How is that meant to help him, or teach him how to improve? Get a grip - TexturedSun
    #2 drak, Jul 16, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2008
  3. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    Kinda small and needs interlocking. 3/5
  4. an old granny51

    an old granny51 Ancient
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    Looks Okay, Some things you could do would some more pics, get people to know more about the map. Maybe show where the weapons are, or the rooms, or whatever. In my opinion, it looks a little to open, but that is just my opinion. Other than that, nice work on this map. 3.8/5
  5. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    The concept of the map looks good but it is really open and really needs some cover. The structures look pretty bare soo the map doesn't seem very interesting to play on. Interlocking can help the structure in many ways as possibilities are endless. Add a few more movable objects and cover to make it a better map to play on. 3/5
  6. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    more pics and i might D/L oh a and some of ur walls are'nt straight.
  7. Felshot

    Felshot Ancient
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    I feel bad if this is v3, because to be honest, it's not really great. No interlocking, only playable on the bottom, open, and not interesting. A v4 with alot of change would be awsome.

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