Original Map: Foundry Description: Carry your flag past all 6 boxes to get to the end. Can you survive The Gauntlet? The idea behind "The Gauntlet" is that you never come in direct contact with your "enemy" yet they still play a vital role in the outcome of your journey. Offense- The object is to carry your teams flag past all the % boxes controlled by the defenders to its home. Defense- The object is to use the equipment given at each % box to stop the attackers from reaching their goal. A portal in each box will lead you to the following one (you'll know what to do). But be aware, they are one way portals so don't leave your team behind prematurely. You will need to download both the map Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing and the gametype Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing I'm going to have to give credit to ILLusive810 for helping me make this map!!!
looks fun...ok adding more just wanted to be first......looks fun, 3.6/5 from me, too many hallways to get shot at right before dying, other than that, i would put some fencewalls with shield doors, so you could see where other people are, but couldnt get shot by them!
I like the whole deathbox idea. This is definitely a minigame map, but still looks pretty fun. Next up you should do deathboxbomb!
I like it, more mini-games are staring to pop up now. Thsi one seems pretty challenging but also fun to play too. It looks like there is plenty of equipment and obstacles to keep you busy. 5/5 I think
it looks good but im worried about how hard it is for the attackers to capture the flag. maybe a little bit of cover
OMG!!!!!!!!! this has the same idea my map does! the people try to plant the bomb though and they have to run through tunnels! and there are little nooks you can go into! well this map looks very good! i really like the way it plays. nice job!
this is a cool map it is nice but i know you cant help it but the last pic the wall looks sloppy sorry for that but i think it does
not bad but i wont DL because it looks like the hallways are too long and you could get shot at alot, i suggest some obstacles?
Very original. I like the whole idea behind the map. Keep up the good work!!! Please look at my map's presentation! Click here for Presentation!!! If you like what you see already, download it here! Click here for download!!!
Looks pretty good but the screenshots arent too good .. But still a very good idea and seems like lots of fun .. Good job! =]
Has anyone bothered to look at the original publish date of this map? Why are you just now "releasing" this map when it was made all the way back in December?