As some of you know, there are 7 wallpapers with the Superintendent on them from I've acquired links to all of them. Please remain calm Hitchhikers may be escaping inmates Yellow means yield Obey posted limits take it to make it! No public access Mind the gap Apparently there contain hidden messages in them. I don't know what that's about but you can use this thread to discuss it. Don't know if you guys are interested but I made one with all the faces on it.
As far as I know there have been 3 threads about, but none specifically for these wallpapers. I'm just posting links to them because people have been wanting them but not getting answers as to where to get them. To add to the first post, you can find the links on the forums. When you view a thread, a random ad is shown, usually for the Heroic and Legendary map packs or the podcast. Sometimes a pic with SI appears. Clicking on it takes you to one of the wallpapers.
What the hell is this superintendant crap I keep hearing about?!?!?! lol am I missing something? what is that random little green guy?
I'm not sure what It's all about. It's been showing up around Frankie was wearing a shirt with him on it a while ago.
It seems to be Bungie's other logo. Maybe it's from early on in the Bungie stages. I also like how you've posted the backgrounds all in one post. They're also neat.
I found a thread about it. The Superintendent - Ascendant Justice Forums I made a Wallpaper with these images. I put the faces on the "Please Remain Calm". Basicly just pasted the other six on the edges.