The 14th Skull The 14th Skull has been found! It was found on Cortana and has been recorded. It is not the regular scull you find earlier on in the level by jumping on ledges. It is found near the end, when you blow up High Charity. It acts just like any other skull, you can pick it up, hit people with it, but does absolutely nothing that me and S B D JR, (the great man that found it) know of. Any ideas? The link to the video on Bungie is below, enjoy. The 14th Skull. Pictures The Skull Jumping up to the Skull Me Holding the Skull Me Killing with the Skull I just figured out that this isn't new. Haha Sorry, there are told rumors of a 15th skull that makes brutes stronger and look different when angry and we are going to find that now, it is supposed to be on the level where you shoot the flood out of the sky to get the skull, I don't remember what it is called. It is supposedly outside the barrier.
Floodgate. I really doubt that there's a 15th, but who knows? And good for you, figuring out this isn't new before you got flamed. I found this forever ago and thought the same thing. I was beaten to its discovery by about a month and a half.
Yeah its just anouther blind skull but its cool that they put so many easter eggs in the campain. I'm surprized there was no super weapons though like a scarab gun : /
i remember finding this, it's fun to beat down the barrier with the skull and freeing cortana then running the hell outta there beating anyone you saw.
Maybe people already know this too, but on Cortana theres actually a bunch of skulls. If you shoot those pulsating flood pod things, sometimes a skull pops out. You can't pick it up though. But most of the time it's just the annoying flood spores.
I have seen The Spartan Laser Skull already. If you beat the level holding it the next level you start with Splaser instead of Rockets or Fuel Rod.
Who's to say there isn't? It hasn't been proven that there isn't one, only that we haven't yet found one.
I thought I heard from this guy who had a friend who's girlfriend's brother said that if you carried the skull for the whole level, you started the last level with a Scarab Gun...
i dont think this is new, sorry. but it is cool. a skull that does nothing? how exciting, or not exciting, why would bungie do that? WHYYYYYY!!!!!!!!???????
Yeah, I'm sure you've heard of the rumor on the last part of the Halo mission, there's rumored to be a Hornet that you can fly. There's people who are still looking for it.
I heard that if you hold this skull when the level ends, in the next level you start with a spartan laser instead of rockets.
i'm not 100% but i'm pretty sure there isn't another Skull on floodgate cause i've been outside the barrier and never seen it.