Halo: Blue Halo: Blue has been rumored to be a secret project from Bungie. I've also heard from sources on HG that wal-mart is getting a shipment of a game called Halo: Blue this September. Now everyone is expecting Bungie to announce the game at E3, but there really isn't any hard evidence that this game is even from Bungie, it's just assumed to be. With the recent events on Bnet those rumors are starting to seem like facts instead of speculation. The link to the Xbox 360 Fanboy story is in my sig.
;l, more information might be helpful, in stead of just "BLUE" Edit: Got This From A Site: Seems like we're inching closer to that July 14th announcement Bungie is supposed to make today. Bungie.net has been updated with a new countdown, which refreshes with a new message: Keep it clean Please remain calm Services will resume No public access Emergency lights active Proceed with caution What will it be? Halo Blue? A XBLA game? Or something entirely different? EDIT: A trusted Wal-Mart source has sent Joystiq an image taken from the company's intranet, "The Wire," showing a listing for Halo "Blue." We've also received an unverified tip detailing Halo "Blue," though it's unclear whether that information stems from the same retail listing. With so little information available about what Blue is, we're guessing the shown Sept. 30 date is placeholder. The Microsoft press conference is in less than 12 hours, so stay tuned.
I figured some people would get it, but I guess not. Click my sig...... But if that doesn't help I'll add more info to the post.
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