Forge Hub Tournament?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Furious D 18, Jan 18, 2008.

  1. DareDefyMe88

    DareDefyMe88 Ancient
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    Actually that is the way tournaments are set up. You seed people and have the best people play the worst people. That way the competition gets progressively harder because all the weaker people are weeded out. You wouldn't want to have the championship between someone who was amazing and someone who sucked, but just beat out more sucky people.

    I also don't think you reason for cancelling the tournament is a good one. People aren't going to be gay like that. It's just a fun tournament anyway there really is no way to cheat. If you have played the game enough it is obvious when there has been some kind of change to the normal options.

    I mean MLG uses this setup for cash prizes and has the players host the games. You would be more tempted to cheat since there is money involved but you would easily know if someone messed with the game options.
  2. mr35O

    mr35O Ancient
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    i was thinking maybe we could to tourneys on some of my maps, but i need to get past this stupid 100+ forum post thing in order to show you guys my maps, otherwise you could just look my file share
  3. Cr0ok3d

    Cr0ok3d Ancient
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    If people were to do this it would be fairly obvious when the other person uploaded their video and you see them shoot 4 rounds of BR into the other guys head and he doesn't die or even lose his shield.

    You could also get like 4 other people to view the games as well as you. You could all do like 7 games each and that way the contestant number could be higher.
  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    That's not true. You only have to have 100 posts in order to apply to be a guilder.

    You can still post your maps in the Forge Maps section.
  5. mackmack

    mackmack Ancient
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    I would join, but if you have to have a highest level of 30 then i'm screwed. i dont really play matchmaking any more, and my highest level right now is a 18. :squirrel_rant: :squirrel_jaffa:
  6. chromebandit

    chromebandit Ancient
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    I would totally help you organize a tournament if you were to make one, Furious. I think that's a great idea to get some competitive edge off the shoulders of forge hub.
  7. DareDefyMe88

    DareDefyMe88 Ancient
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    I wouldn't mind reviewing people's game videos.

    The only reason we would need to do that though is if someone complains there was something unfair about the game.
  8. Kapura

    Kapura Ancient
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    I think this would be sweet. But in think that for any one-on-one games there should be rounds, because somebody could grab the power weaposnand not give them up. Rounds would reduce the chances of completely uphill battles.
  9. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Having rounds is an interesting idea. I had not thought of that. That would be a good way of leveling the playing field if someone has all the power weapons. However, it might actually make the power weapons more powerful. If you grab rockets, for example, and use them all up to get 3-4 kills, you have to wait the 60 seconds or whatever for the rockets to return. But if the round restarts, the rockets are back and you can grab them immediately. Each round would be the same weapons, where one long round would force players to cycle through the weapons left on the map after the power weapons are gone.

    What does everyone else think?

    Also, everyone seems to be into this idea, but it has to have a casual, friendly tone. I don't want people complaining about cheating or anything, so there should be no prizes or anything. I'll take on the burden of organizing it. I'll start a sign-up thread here in the Gaming Discussion forum when we're ready to start. Anyone have any good one on one maps in the works?
  10. MealonX

    MealonX Ancient
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    well not promoting my map or anything, but this map rocks Bunker Hill
  11. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    Furious, I thought about that Forge idea. I'm glad you're willing to take this all on your own, but really, it'd be a lot easier if you just teamed up with some other mods and/or some respected members. Then that Forge idea could be possible, with sort of a referee to make sure there's no cheating and such. It would be like modding the IRC chat, except you just have to watch some guys duke it out, which in reality isn't that much of a chore.

    Prizes are kinda sweet, maybe you could just have some minor ones? Maybe there could be two different categories, one for standard Bungie maps, and one for FH-generated maps? Rounds seems a bit unnecessary as well. Also, I suggest you wait until after all these finals are over before you start anything. I don't really know how you're going about all this, but good luck either way.
  12. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I'll ask around, see if the other staff wants to help, but I'm not expecting them to want to. Everyone is usually pretty busy with their own projects. If I can get some help, maybe we can do it in Forge with a ref. If not, it will be on the honor system.

    Finals? What ar theese feyenals u speek uf. I colige drop out. Lol, just tell me when they are, I'll try to accommodate.

    Bunker Hill, which looks nice, might not be the best head to head map. I think I was in a party and we played a game there, or tried to, or something. I'll check it out, but my major concern would be spawn camping. If someone gets control of the hill and a power weapon, is it easy for them to dominate the rest of the game? Do I have your permission to mess with spawn areas and stuff if I think it will work as a map for this competition?

    IGC OCTANE Ancient
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    Hey I wouldn't mind playing in a Forge Hub Tournament. If you need addtional player/teams I got about 40 or so active members who would probably love to participate as well in this. We are open to a lot of games. Please friend request GT: IGC OCTANE if you got a chance to and I would love to play some of these maps and games along with some of the members of my community.

    Could locate us @ www.IGCGAMING.COm
  14. Poztar

    Poztar Ancient
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    Ehh, I'm pretty sure finals are practically over for all of us now.

    Mealon: I think I played a game on that map last friday. No offense, but it seemed sort of hectic. It looked nice and seemed like a good idea though. Also, not the best map for one on one.

    Hey I was thinking. Maybe 2v2 battles might be cool. You don't need to collaborate and gather up a whole team, but it's still remotely similar to one on one.

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