I'm gonna go with the dude on Bnet that reckoned it was a count-down to the Stats being reset. Giant reset for everyone ... and the button that gets pressed to give everyone Recon.
Scary, reminds me of that calender of the Mayans. I guess it has something to do with the updates to Halo 3.
theres a count down, adn people think its an announcement of therenext project. which in my opininon would kill them, because if they announce somethin now, they cant release a game 3 years from now, it has to be 2 unless people will start gettin angry. dont get your hopes up to much for a game reveal project
A lot of things could point to that being fake. The page originally warned us to "Expect Delays" and to "Remain Calm". Then, today, we get a later saying there will be delay and the forums break into mass hysteria. That said, I'm fairly sure this letter is legit. The publisher they're referring to is Microsoft and it the fact that Microsoft would delay a huge announcement at the last minute while disappointing thousands of fans at the same time just doesn't surprise me.
do you remmeber this little thing that bungie and microsoft did? they split up so micro$oft doesn't control bungie get it k thnx bi.
Jeez i think i figured it out. Someone might have already said this but they might be bringing bakc headlong and bloodgulch. A kid on b.net said in the thread "IT MIGHT BE FAKE!!!!!" that the number equal HEADBG wich = Headlong Blood Gulch.
http://img241.imageshack.us/img241/6356/halo3menuwl4.jpg Maybe its just 12 days, 5 hours, 37 minutes, and 14 seconds.