This is a fun, fast paced racing map on Last Resort.It starts on the beach.Then, it goes into the water and off a ramp, heading toward the wheel.In doing this you jump to the other side of the wheel and take a sharp left,go up the stairs, to the left exit down to the end, and drive straight into a grav lift, putting you back at the start to begin yet another lap. Download here : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Hi! Welcome to ForgeHub. Unfortunately, your post does not fit regulations. Please read the topic in my sig to learn how to correctly post a map. See ya!
cmon man your a unsc graduate you've had some time on the site im sure you know better than to put up such an inadequite post
the firs post and shaprshooter's post were the only one's needed. no one else should b commenting on the quality of his post. and his rank has nothing to do with how he posts maps