Map : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Game : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Object:The idea i wanted was to make close to being realistic because i think the super fast Completly invisible with no grav zombie is gettin kinda old so i tried my best to make a fun new type of zombie game. Tell me what you think thanx a bunch! Story: team of researchers with limited supply of ammunition fight against the infection or die trying the Infected have adapted gaining a poor camouflage with a white color they have some speed but not that fast so try an keep a watch ful eye an save ur ammo as you try to survive arctic death it is recomended using the game variant flee which is the second link above Weapons: 2 maulers 5 or 6 pistols 1 sniper rifle 2 battle rifles and 1 carbine Aerial shot #1 Aerial shot #2 Small amory #1 Small amory #2 Re-useable energy storage Zombie attack
I don't really like maps that are made on original content maps such as snowbound because the objects are so limited. On maps like these, you really don't make a new map, it's still the same with just a different layout.
Making a map on Snowbound is hard, especially a good one, so I give you credit for trying and the armory was good idea.
I agree with Zander an Radiant on both parts but atleast give it a try you guys an if it turns out that people like it i may put it on avalanche when i get sum microsoft points
I always like to see a good map that is not on foundry. Because that is what this is, a good map. Me encanta mucho, muy bien! AAARRRRRIIEEEBBBBBA!
Looks like a pretty simple infection map. And I agree, I hate super fast low health zombie games as well.
Welcome to all and any thing that u think should be added or taken away let me kno i might make a version 2