Holy, mognick shliking plubiclin! Just kidding, really good work, is the map... Floating, really good work.
wow....thats all I can say....Nice interlocking, good idea, and nice pics. Sadly I can't download cause my internet is slow right now =(
Thanks, Myself and a bunch of my friends have had some INSANE times playing Infection on this map. Its sooo hard to make it into the Dam without getting spotted.
finally water made with shield doors that actually looks kind of like water if you know what im talking about with other maps that have "water" in them
I gotta give it up to you man, excellent job. Looks wonderful. The ONLY thing I can see that I dont like is that it is built on foundry. The map can marr the looks of beautiful forges... But I do realize that any other map would prove to be near impossible to create this on, so with that said, 5/5!
This kind of Forging would be IMPOSSIBLE in other maps... I could make some INSANE Variants on other maps, but it just wouldnt have the same touch.. know what i mean?
pony i love ur maps both the water res and this can u post an infection gametype for both that would fit in the post before u played infec here plz post gametype
Good Work! Nice one pony, i used to look at your maps before i could be bothered registering for FH, 'Barricade' Has got a nice feel/look to it 5/5!
thank, short and not much to go on for feedback about the map but thanks all the same... cant believe this map is being over looked by so many people...