FOR3RUNN3R By: Phoenix Phire13 Hello again, I'm Phoenix Phire13, and I'm here to show another of my maps. This map, FOR3RUNN3R, is my interpretation of what a forerunner ruin would look like. This map is medium sized, and supports CTF, TS, and FFA. Here is the weapons list. Weapons: 4 Battle Rifles 4 Assault Rifles 2 Needlers 4 Plasma Grenades 1 Overshield 1 Active Camo 4 Spike Grenades 4 Frag Grenades 2 Maulers 2 Plasma Pistols 4 Plasma Rifles 2 Carbines 1 Spartan Laser 2 SMG's 2 Sniper Rifles Map Pics The center laser. There are two teleporters (with a Sniper sitting beside them), each on one side of the map, that teleports you to one of the four sniper boxes, seen below. It's a great way to escape your enemies. Thanks for Viewing! Download FOR3RUNN3R (linky below) : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
I really like the idea of a pyramid at the center of the map. You could get away with a lot more with some interlocking though. The only question I have is: What's with the random barrier?
there is other forerunner ruins like guardian but this map is good in interlocking & its overall ways
I'm sorry there isn't much interlocking, some of my maps don't have it. I'll try to make more maps with interlocking. -Oh yeah, thanks for posting guys.
it looks really good i dont think it really needs interlocking everything looks clean and thought out, but it looks a little cramped judging from the screenshots 4/5
it looks like it has potential, it just needs interlocking and take out the middle shield doors, its like hiding a power weapon in a safe zone, that doesnt turn out pretty (campers, easy to get to weapon without danger, etc) just take out the shields
I think this is a really good map and just goes to show you that you don't need to interlock to make a good map. gj
Yeah, I'll probably make a v2 with more interlocking and no shield doors. Thanks for all the feed back guys!
looks like it could be in egypt or something nice job with the structures, but there are a few too many shield doors for me
first of all, i like the pyramid idea...second of all, i hate that the pyramid contains a powerweapon accompanied by sloppily arranged shields on all sides...that SUCKS...i like the barriers on the 4 corners alot, so 3/5 from me
Interlocking would've made it better, but it's a great map, I like how you've put the laser in a "shield door" room.