This is my Halo 3 screenshot "The Dark Forest". You may have heard rumors about how this was created using modified content. It is true it was on a modded Guardian, but I went back and checked it is on regular Guardian also. I accidententily found this picture when I was screwing around on Guardian. I think this picture is good for a backround. Here is the post so you can download it if you want to. Also since this got Featured on halo3screenshots here is the link to it since some people(Not here) demanded proof. Now please give me some Feedback. Forge Hub Post
Epic screen im using it as a background right now P.S. where supposed to embed on forgehub but i went a head and did it for you so here
Wow Forge Hub is more organized and its member are better than before. I think im gonna start using it alot me. And thanks. Cause I dont know how to put the pictures on here so I just post links.
Oh and everyone Gun didnt take the picture. I did. He posted the picture here for me since I dont know how.
This I found in a weird way. And I am trying to see who else has found this. All im saying is that I got out of Guardian to get this.
I have seen it before, you get far outta guardian and it gets dark, but honestly, i hate these pictures. They get on Bungie Favorites and they take no skill to take, some pictures are amazing 1ce in a lifetime shot, and bungie hates it. They would rather have some people getting outta maps to take pretty boring shots over action packed shots? Not the bungie id want to play from...
I know im gonna sound like a douchebag, but it sounds like someone is jealous they didnt think of it first and take this first. And that their pictures are action packed but this one beat theirs. Thats how my pictures used to be but now I have tryed making simple pictures and they turn out cool. And the reason bungie Favorites has had screnshots like this is because of the fact that Bungie doesnt do Bungie favs anymore. They give it to diffrent popular groups like Forge Hub.
Vanish, he's not jealous, he's a professional Halo 3 photographer. I think it's rather obvious.... But in all seriousness, the screen is pretty awesome, it looks like something someone should make a signature out of.
I was being sarcastic -_- Nevermind now, the joke is ruined... But back to your It's great. Keep that as the topic at hand people ;-)
Also i dont say things like Pro Forger or Pro Photographer unless they are very well known and actually know aht they are doing. Like a Pro Forger makes good maps that use EVERY Forge Technique.
Ok I have changed things on this thread to make it better and so my thread doesnt get reported anymore. So I cleared everything up. Oh I just realized I double posted. Crap......
Since so many people have asked me how I got this I have made it a secret that only a few select people now know. I am going to edit this and make it better. And I might create a new thing called "ShadowVanish Backrounds". I will post my other pictures soon.