Crash and Burn Taking it oldschool Download Map here: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Description - This track was made way way back around the time halo 3 first came out. Just to change things up a little bit this track is at Last Resort which is uncommon these days. The tracks layout is a complete circuit track with random obstacles making racing your friends a little more fun. Creators - Acid Mailbox, Bunch of Towels, and L gar2000 Information - The track is about 75% wide and 25% close quarters. It starts off in a straightaway leading to some grav-lifts that throw you over crossing traffic into the first random event of falling fusion coils. These ciols will come at different times possibly hitting just a few or all racers. This turn leads into the windmill jump which is random event number 2. After landing there is 2 turns taking you into the base for a 180 degree turn. Leading to a crossover and stair climb. This is where the track starts taking some skill with fusion coils lined on the catwalk anything could happen. Staying close quarters the track takes the second floor of the base to a grav-lifted exit. The varied landings lead to a stairjump and to the final tunnel. The final round-a-bout takes you through the finish line Details - The track was made a long time ago so theres no floating or interlocked track, the terrain is all natural. There has been a few minor changes like adding the racetrack veriant and a 1 time use teleporter to open the gate at the start. There is no advanced honor system but the mongeese are all evenly lined up for as fair starts as possible. There is a no cheat finish that was done the best as possible with the budget and layout. If you don't want cheaters than don't play with them or play with everyone on the same team so theres only 1 point awarded every lap. Last Resort only allows 6 mongeese so its a race for slightly smaller parties but still awsome fun. The track has been raced many times with friends always with new surprises and unpredicted results. Starting point First Straightaway Explosive Turn Wheel Jump Turn To Base 180 Degree Turn Stair Climb Catwalk Bomb 2nd Story Entrance Exit Hill Jump Final Tunnel Round-a-bout Lap Complete Please comment and rate Thanks for viewing If you have any ideas that would better the track please post them Download map here: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Download Gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
Looks like a good racing map, as far as Last Resort goes. It's nice to see a different map used every once in a while
its ok. i mean for last resort its a good race map. i've seen so many foundry race maps its good for a change. my only concern is with race tracks on foundry you can block off areas as with last resort and several other maps its easy just to cheat. i'll give you a 3/5
i really like how uncheatable this is for last resort, great interlocking(just kidding), great explosions, great use of the maps geometry, great job!
cant u just turn around instead of going on the path. nice map, but some people dont always apply by the honor system
€It's nice seeing a good raceing map mad on something other than the new maps. Thanks for keeping it fresh, old-school style.
yea, it looks like a nice layout. i personallly can't play without honor rules though, cuz my parties always suck... still kool tho
like the others were saying, it's nice to see a map with a bright, island feel (last resort) as opposed to the desolate warehouse feel of foundry. and as for the honor rule thing, i don't really see anything wrong with it just as long as you have a good party. but it doesn't really matter for racing cuz the fun is going through the course it's not fun if you just cheat. but for other games it matters more. so good job!
By Last Resorts standards this race track goes above and beyond! It isn't Foundry (again) so thank goodness for that. Loving it though. I'm gonna go round up my mates and we can have a few races. Make it so that the RACETRACKS Game Variant is compatible with it though, thats pretty much the official race variant now.
Looks long, I really like long race maps it makes it more sapencful, And fun for what it worth, Anyway, Great Map!!! 4/5
Thanks everyone for the possitive comments im surprised people liked it so much for not being a foundry track
maybe if you start on the place where the warthog usually respawns. it would look pretty cool then cause its looks like they were just built and on a platform. the space next to the mongoose in the first straitght away.
This looks like a really good last resort racing map. I like the grav lift jumps as well there fun and interesting. The fusion coil turn where every fusion coil blows up is also really neat. Keep up the good forging and maybe your next map can be on Avalanche or something. 5/5 for a good racing map on a old DLC map.
acctually i do have an avalanche track on here it was the first map i posted its called snotor cross check it out.
Nice map! I love the exploding fusion coil turn (however much it hates me), mostly because I like the less serious and competitive racetracks as opposed to the straigh, cut-and-dry banks and hills. This one has all sorts of random jumps and grav lifts and randomness. I even has some sort of mini anti-foot-cheat system. Keep up the good work =) 5/5
This map is great for a last resort track everything looks nice and who cares that much about cheaters, its funner to race than to just sit on the line