Puzzle Map maker Crew

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by partyhardydan, Jan 21, 2008.

  1. partyhardydan

    partyhardydan Ancient
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    So lately me and a few friends have been playing puzzle maps and we decided to make our own.
    We are trying to make it as original as possible.

    We also like to make like a League of puzzle gamers.

    -One team makes a puzzle map (home Team) and the other Team plays it(away team).

    -If the Away team finishes it under a set [Fair*] Amount of time They win (+2 League Points).

    -If the Away team does not finish in time(-1 League Point) OR gives up(-3 league poimts for not finishing) AND the home team wins (+2 League points0

    -League points would add up over time and at the end of three months the team with the most would be the champ.

    *Fair is determined by a neutral party.

    Map Usage
    Any map may be used, Any Glitche may be used, But absolutly (not that you really can) NO MODDING. That give your team and Auto DQ for the current Season.
    You cannot Have a team play the same map twice ONLY if they gave up.
    The most times a team can play the same map is 3.
    The most times a team can use the same map is 4.

    -An agreed upon game variant can be decided later.

    Teams consist of four.

    My team consistes of(Team Pending)
    -o victim o
    -Bull Red 101

    Back up Teammate

    -There will be no scheduled matches Teams must challenge each other.
    Teams that are challenged Can Either Play The map or Counter challenge.
    -Counter challenging gives they team challenging a decision weither or not they want to puzzle solve or give the puzzle to the other team.
    -Since this is a TEAM game you can make it so all of the team spawns together or in different spots (Each person would have to solve somthing in their spot for some1 else to get furthur and free them ect...)
    -Only one team enters the game Then after words They give the video of what happend in the game to the other team and the officals of the league.

    Signups + more team crap
    There can be up to 14 Teams for our first season (Each Season will allow 3 more Team Entries into the league.
    Their will be 2 divisons of 7 teams each.
    Divsion A + Division B
    During The first half of the season D a must challenge D a and Db must challenge Db.
    Then at the second half of the season Da challenge Db Vice versa.

    We need 11 Officials.

    Reply to this thread if you want to join State Whether or not you have teamates or not or if u want to be an official.

    Official is like a Judge BTW.
  2. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    "Not Another Teen Puzzle Map!"

    Puzzle maps are getting old. If I were you I would spend my time working on something that already hasn't been done more than twice. I seriously doubt that you will recruit (m)any for this task.
  3. partyhardydan

    partyhardydan Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Not quite recruiting Im looking for a challange, comrad.

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