ahahah Nemihara: glasses-pulling rebel? i hope you enjoyed breaking the rules, and possibly learning a lesson? hah. and lol at Arch3m for being so conformist. lol.
Those aren't necessary and aren't even a convenience. I hate when people come up with useless things. :squirrel_evil:
Like that jar of Magic Shell I bought the other day. Like wtf, it doesn't even work! It doesn't make a shell. It just, like, flows off. It doesn't freeze. It was a total ripoff.
Those Eyeglasses are wierd. But that is not what I am commenting about. Nemi, Magic Shell is what keeps me going. It is the reason I wake up in the morning. Think before you say such hurtful things.
But it was a total ripoff! I wasted $5.99 on that bottle, you know. And it doesn't even work! I heard so many claims on how well it worked for others, but noooo, it doesn't apply for me! And you know what's even more bullshit? The warranty on it isn't even valid in Hawaii! I mean, wtf.
thats rad but what happens when you get punched in the nose? thenyou relize itwasnt really worth it..but i still hav to say thats pretty insane
How does he sleep? I know when I sleep my with my glasses on they push up against my face and get annoying. I mean, yea I've got a piercing, but dude... why would you do that to your face...
Um, couldn't you just take it out? Most piercings seem to be removable, I don't see why this one would be an exception.
Thats very innovative, but looks like it would be a nice way to kill someone, pull their glasses off.
The lenses are definitely removable from the looks of the pictures. So sleeping wouldn't be much of an issue. And jesus DQ. someone's a little psychotic...
That would suck i would hate to have glasses that barely ever come off because they are attached to like your nose also i thought nipple rings had a purpose
Yeah that would suck to have done but some people are into different piercings so why not. If I needed glasses and like piercings I would consider it as long as it wasn't permanent.
Aren't most piercings only permanent as long as you consistently insert the stud/ring/other chunk of metal?