Soverainexy Creator: X1 caboose 1X Testers:me dwert rayrayxx24 goldensniper95 finalxviper mea xoverkillx someguyuh8 fead1 peopledenger montoya5000 cd95 v2 masterzcool darion james ti apache 662 bigt89313 theres still alot of testers i forgot. Gametypes: slayer CTF assault oddball KOTH Territories map size: big Weapons: 8 br's 1 shotgun 2 snipers 1 grav hammer 1 energy sword 2 smg's 2 spikers 1 needler 4 plasma rifles 2 plasma pistols 6 carbines 2 maulers 5 frag nades 8 plasma nades Equipment: 1 bubble sheild 1 power drain 1 regenerator FORGING 101: interlocking geo merging effective spawn placement Map story: message incoming.... zero Hour.... General stevens... Command covenant forces pushing inward at reach running low on ammo and personel need more soldier and medics hurry i repeat need ammo and personel please respond command. This is command we got you stevens we are sorry but we dont have any more ammo or weapons at the moment. What why not?. When the orbital elevator fell we lost almost all our weapon plants we will put a red alert on your location and send as many medics as possible transmition ending... wait command command!!!....Transmission destroyed Map description: during the battle of reach this factory tested weapons and recruits before they were sent out to help our forces at reach now its a graveyard or is it? players: 2-14 also this map is perfectly balanced and is really fun and all my testers loved it and i hope you guys do to. Map download HERE Pics: Action Shotz: Break pallet to get teh boomstick (shotgun)
I like this map. It looks original, and has some variety. Good fusing. Looks like it would be fun for some good old fashion FFA brawlin!
thanks alot i tried it with all gametypes and i thought the fun lvl was about the same for all the games
gameplay wise, fun as heck 5/5 aesthetics wise, eeehhh nothing sticks out, 2/5 average 3.5/5 just cause of gameplay....some better pics would be good too PM me....if you want to other than that, just like a floating truck would be good, and stuff like thtat like the teleporter thingamabob ( i like that word)
The good: I like the way the structures were made. Variety of structures throughout the map. Lots of place to jump to and fro The bad: Many powerful weapons,power-ups, and equipment placed throughout the map. Platform above regenerators is only reachable from red base not blue base. Steps to some of the structures are movable.(Not sure if it is intentional) Oversheild, sword and power drain are to close to each other. Above oversheild is reachable via normal jumping. (I can show you) Behind red tower you are able to jump from the bridge structure to wall corner structure. You are not able to do this behind blue base. Middle hill in the fence box with the needler is able to be controlled above the fence box. Weapon suggestions (Remember these are only suggestions): Remove hammer, one sniper rifle, camo and two maulers. Move sword to needler spawn. Sniper to hammer spawn Move regenerator to blue side mauler spawn and bubble shield to red side mauler spawn. Move needler to regenerator spawn. Map Suggestions: Add some bulk behind red and blue tower. Overall I give this map a 2/5. This map seems more casual than competitive, because of the current weapon placement. (Including power-ups and equipment.) Make some changes and possibly open the center slightly and you may have a chance at a competitive map.
looks pretty good, a cool layout, looks big and well forged, a big very fun map, gd job ill giv it a review once iv had a game