DOWNLOAD THE MAP HERE. The Whole Map I started to make this map when I was bored, but then it started to get good so I put some time into it. Gametypes That Work Best One Sided Assault One Flag One Sided Territories FFA Slayer *All other gametypes do work, but they aren't as good* How It Works: The defenders (like a evil royalty or something) start in the Castle and the attackers (like angry citizens) respawn in the base right outside the Castle. The Castle The Attackers Base The attackers can get inside the base by either using the grav lift to open the front doors or by using the one of the brute shots to open up the side doors on either side of the Castle. Using The Grav Lift Using The Brute Shot There are multiple things to do in the castle, first of all there is a couple deployable covers and trip mines to help stop the attackers from getting in. There is also a few sniping towers on top of it, each one holds a sniper inside. The Sniping Bases DOWNLOAD THE MAP HERE.
welcome to forgehub, you need to embed your pics using imageshack or photobucket to meet standards. instructions can be found on the forums or in many peoples sig's o and btw you shouldn't rate your own map.
Hey Welcome to Forgehub. Click in my sig to learn how to embed pics or to get a map posting template.
i played another map called the castle and it was a helms deep copy (ye just changed auther name, it WAS helms deep)
Now that we are done welcoming you... This is a great map that i will download which is a compliment seeing how i am always getting the 100 custom game map limit (darn Bungie).
Yay! Your pics are up! I must say that this is one of the better castle maps i've seen. I like how you can either break open the sides with a bruteshot or open the front with a gravlift. I also like your sniper towers and that you actually gave the attackers a base which most people don't do. Looks like this would be a great map as long as the weapons are balanced and the quality carries through to the inside of the castle.
i love the little angry villagers place. Also, are there more weps then just snipers and the ones you start out with? If so, nice map
ive seen a lot of castle maps, and this looks to be one of the better ones. it looks like it will be fun to play on. nice interlocking and layout
now that you have the pics up im looking at this and im very happy! this map looks great and it looks like you've used lots of techniques in making this map good 4.5/5 i love castle maps haha im dling right now