Just wanted to ask, do the timer countdown to around 10 o'clock for anyones else? Because i did the math and the counter end at around 10 in the morning.
Kirkland Washington(State) So it'd be pacific time (GMT -8) Only like a 2 hours drive from where I live. Anyways, I estimate at 7 AM Pacific time it shall reveal itself to the world
Some poking I did at the web code. Code: // targetDate is a datestring (not milliseconds), the others are the elements of each component to update. function genericCountdownUpdate(targetDate, dayClientId, hourClientId, minuteClientId, secClientId, zeroClientId, counterClientId) { var currentDate = new Date(); currentDate.setMinutes(currentDate.getMinutes() + currentDate.getTimezoneOffset()); var timeLeft = (new Date(targetDate).getTime()) - currentDate.getTime(); if (timeLeft <= 0) { var zeroMessage = document.getElementById(zeroClientId); var counterEl = document.getElementById(counterClientId); if (zeroMessage) zeroMessage.style.display = 'inline'; if (counterEl) counterEl.style.display = 'none'; } else { var dayEl = document.getElementById(dayClientId); var hourEl = document.getElementById(hourClientId); var minEl = document.getElementById(minuteClientId); var secEl = document.getElementById(secClientId); var days = Math.floor(timeLeft / 86400000); timeLeft = timeLeft - (days * 86400000); var hours = Math.floor(timeLeft / 3600000); timeLeft = timeLeft - (hours * 3600000); var minutes = Math.floor(timeLeft / 1000 / 60); timeLeft = timeLeft - (minutes * 60000); var seconds = Math.floor(timeLeft / 1000); if (days > 9){ dayEl.innerHTML = days; // days } else{ dayEl.innerHTML = '0' + days; // days } if (hours > 9){ hourEl.innerHTML = hours; // hours } else { hourEl.innerHTML = '0' + hours; // hours } if (minutes > 9){ minEl.innerHTML = minutes; // minutes } else { minEl.innerHTML = '0' + minutes; // minutes } if (seconds > 9){ secEl.innerHTML = seconds; // seconds. } else { secEl.innerHTML = '0' + seconds; // seconds
8:05 8:05 A.M. Central Standard Time in Chicago. Whoever created the I l Love Bees viral marketing campaign for the launch of Halo 2 has pitched successfully to the suits at Bungie that it is time for some more viral craziness. I love it! Any guesses as to what will happen at 0:00?
They will reveal this secret they been hinting about, rumors will be answered, and then we can expect a new game/Giant revelation.
Well, I heard that online will be updated, and everyone's levels and ranks will be reset to 1. I feel bad for the Generals should this be true... As for what will happen at 0:00, the world will end, duh.