D.R. Arena Dwert & Runnaholic11 Author: Dwert & Runnaholic11 Video: Click Here Where to Get? Download Map Download Variant Details: This is a map made on Foundry.It is an arena that consists of 8 sections so you can have 2-8 players.This map took hours and hours of interlocking,messing around,testing things out,actually testing the map,placing equipment & grenades,placing shield doors,and sealing the sections.You might notice that the floor flickers and I guess we did that on purpose.When it first happened it was a complete accident and then when I went to fix it,Runnaholic11 (Matt) told me to leave it because I guess it looks cool.In each section there is some equipment and every type of grenade.Please remember to also download the game type.It is right above the map in my fileshare.The gametype has 100 score to win (which goes by fast actually) it has energy swords as your permanent primary weapon and the secondary is random.Please enjoy the map and some pictures will be added below. . Thanks and comments/criticism will be appreciated! Download Notes:I haven't posted here in a while because I have been playing Oblivion
It looks good, be interesting to see 8 player fight it out, also I think it would be good with a Sword's variant due to its size a colluseum nature.
Hey fix your link, it took me to your file share and it is just suppose to take me to the map's download. Other than that good map
Sweet! This looks like greata great arena! I'll download and fight to the death with my friends lol BTW nice video is that the forge guide style? I thinkI reconize it from somewhere...
teake away the shield doors, add more holes, and its just like the map death holes by I THINK....liljohn(something something something) 3/5 just cause of the interlocking
Oh,I also have a video of me and runnaholic11 actually making the map to make sure I am not accused of anything EDIT:I fixed the top link(s).The dowload link at the bottom brings you to my fileshare.
i like the merging its very clean/smooth but G-merging woulda been nice, the mapaltogether though looks fun so DL maybe n i give you a 3/5
the map is very well constructed but i dont know if it would play well. maybe for small little mini games i suppose. 3/5
This map is a great arena map although there could be inprovements like not putting the equipment on instant respawn that was really gay but good job P.S. I PWNED U!!! =p
Thanks for all the comments guys!Yeah,I have played other arenas and people always have more fun with the swords.That's why I put those as the primary weapon Oh,and Runnaholic and I will be making a v2 soon (but not too soon) because this one took forever.
Update:Runnaholic and I are halfway done with Arena v2.We are fixing the flickering bridge in the floor and we are making a ceiling so that people don't even attempt to get out.Which is hard when there are 8 bloodthirsty people in a small arena.We were also thinking about putting something in the middle arena to make it so there is a bit more of a challenge.I hope you like the next one better.Oh,and any tips or suggestions for the next would be great.