SHOCK LunchboxHero14 Supported Gametypes: Slayer and Oddball Map Description This is an asymetrical map made for 2-3 players. This map not only plays well it also looks nice. I used goemerging and interlocking objects. This map also has great weapon placement. Weapons List: BR x1 Shotgunx1 Needler x1 Plasma Pistol x1 Sniper Rifle x1 SMG x2 Plasma Grenade x2 Frag Grenade x2 Spike Grenade x2 _________________________________________________ Birdseye View Active Camo The Bunker Power Drain Bridge BR Spawn Under Power Drain Bridge _________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL SUMMING-UP COMMENTS AND THANKS FOR ANYONE GIVING FEEDBACK HERE Download Here:SHOCK
this map has allot of interlocking & merging with the map geometry & it looks like this map was built to be a FFA map so i would rate this 5/5 & WELCOME TO FORGE HUB!!
Great Job Lunchbox! I had fun testing this map and yelling at little kid did a great job with interlocking some of the things. But you know what you have to work on with v2 so I suggest that you start working on it! Oh and I am always available to help make it with you if you need any help. I'm DL'n since I forgot to DL it earlier
wat r u talking about??? theres no geo merging. People like u are making forgehub bad because you throw 5/5s out all the time. 3/5
There is geo-merging in this map, you need to look closer at pictures before you start flaming people about thier maps. Look at his second picture.
This map looks pretty sweet and very well completed! I love the doors on there sides to use as steps. Very well made and Iam going to try it!
I don't know if you meant to do the powerups the way you did on the wall but the OS and the Invis aren't properly lined up. I know that it's a real pain in the arse to make it perfect (I did it for a competitive map I'm working on) but it looks much better in the end. Some advice to fix that up is to set one of them to not spawn at the start and load up a guest to act as another camera angle. In the next round, grab a hold of the second powerup with one monitor and get as close as possible with the second. The little teardrop for the first powerup should still be there and that's you're target. It's pretty hard to see the teardrop in the powerup you're holding but you need to line that teardrop up with the first one. The second monitor can be used to check all angles and get up-close to see which direction you need to move it. I hope that helps you
I'm just waiting for Shock to come and post on this thread. Impressions are good, your post is well constructed and your pics show off the map well whilst giving a good idea of the layout. A little bit more description of each area would be nice, but overall good. I've got a soft spot for the smaller maps, as well as anything which uses the undersides of boxes well, and this is both. Its nice and clean looking, not too cluttered for its size (based on pics), and looks like it has a nice sense of flow, all areas look nice and none look pointless. The way you have spaced the doors sticking out of the wall serving as steps is good. They're far enough apart to make jumping on them easy, many steps just seem too cramped and restrict quick getaways. This may seem like a small matter which doesn't require alot of effort, but its a nice touch which tends to improve movement around the map, a really important factor that some seem to forget. Aesthetics and interlocking look pretty good, with contextual objects placed well so that they fit in visually, not just cluttering up the map. Use of dumpsters and barriers is good, not amazingly original, but very functional and well laid out. From what I can see in the pic showing the underside of the map, with the 2 forklifts, the double boxes at the back of this image aren't interlocked. This may seem like an aesthetic matter, and its true that it does benifit the overall look of the map if the walls are uniform, but walls like that are important for grenade bouncing etc. They really benifit from being flat and having no gaps, and a truly good map is one that stands the test of time without annoying little niggles cropping up. I like the look of the bunker, and the walls seem well placed for firing through. You might want to complete the wall fully (the gaps around the window panel) just to stop stray grenades and annoying kill shots through the hole when a defender is crouching down. It looks as if it could be pretty dominant depending on how much of the map it has views on. But since its small and has nicely sized holes and entrances, it shouldn't be too hard to dislodge campers. From your list weapon choice looks sound, I can't talk about placement until I look through it properly, but it sounds like you haven't over-weaponed the map, a common mistake on smaller projects. Some (yes you debo, you and your guide... I kid, its good advice that did me well) will say that you should only have 2 grenade types on a map, especially one this small, as cycling through them can be confusing and time consuming in the heat of the moment. But you know the map best, and you seem to have a good mentality toward weapon distribution so I'm gonna trust your judgement for now. Your design seems solid, objects placed thoughtfully and interlocking utilised well to improve gameplay. I like the visuals of the map, and it seems clean without being sparse. I can't comment on gameplay beside speculation as I don't have my xbox until I get home this weekend, but I like the look of this map and will definitley download and give it a more thorough review when I can. With a little tidying this map could be something really good, and that's not to say its bad in its current form. None of the things I have said are even close to a major issue, and for a first post this is very impressive in many different ways. You show a talent for design and forging that will do you well, nice one.
This was a good map from the start, even before he slightly revamped it. This is actually sorta the v2, but v1 had a few campgrounds that were fixed. Youd think the invis is one, but thats why he added fusion coils. 4.5/5