Walnut creek v2.0 by: Paulie Walnuttz I fixed all spawn problems and mad the map completely symetrical. Also the spikers have been replaced with plasam rifles and now you can jump on the bases from the sides. This forerunner valley has two strange bases mirroring each other on both sides of a lovely creek. The entire map is set up for symetrical gameplay 2-6 players, this is a very small map map has alot of open fighting, its a good map for begginers to learn on, and i reccomend 2v2. supports: multi flag ctf multi bomb slayer weapon list battle rifles- 4 assault rifles-2 smg-2 shotgun-1 (no extra shells) plasma rifle-2 sinper rifle-2 (no spare clips) bubble shield-1 active camo-1 enjoy red base both bases now have crates to jump on to get on the roof on the right sides. blue base waterfall creek download Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
clean-ness of the creek looks good, just looks like some other map i saw.....did u steal it or at least be inspired, but started from scratch?
This map has already been posted. OOO ok I see it's a Fixed Map. Yeah it's a great looking map, but I played it and it has to be 2v2 because it's REALLY small. But it's fun to play
Hmmmmm not bad not bad at all. This actually looks great for doubles and maybe even head to head. There's some nice interlocking (love those diagonally angled boxes as little hills/rock formations(?)) and while some areas look a little bare it all seems to balance out and "fit". 4/5
From the pictures I can't really tell whats different about v2 maybe you should put some pictures with captions describing how the picture shows something you have changed, because It's not going to convince anyone to redownload unless they really see some big improvements.
you really shouldn't have made a whole new post man... most people just edit the DL link to the fixed version on the original post and tell what they've changed... but i am really glad you made these adjustments on the map, it really does make a big difference and it shows some determination.
wow really nice job map looks really clean it reminds me of beaver creek from halo 2 is that where you got your inspiration for this map?
Good map, but there still seems to be a lack of cover, at least around the creek area. Overall 4.6/5, good job
ohh. soo thats why you had to leave the game so quick when we were testing it. you know what would be cool? if you made a little bridge with a fence wall or something. and then you could just walk across instead of jumping across. but i really like the waterfall that you madebecause it looks really cool. nice job on the map.
looks pretty good, i liked the first version and well done for fixing the spawn problems, looks neat, but abit small but great for 2v2 gd idea gd job
Wow, nice. There's some good fusing and geography in this map. A good TS map for a small party. Who knew such a small, peacefull creek could have so many battles, lol.
I havent downloaded yet but as I think I said on the LoF thread. This is like beaver Creek all its missing are 2 Way Nodes in the back of each base.
its fun i dl and played but why does it have firebombs. i dis approve of those in competitives. everything else was good asthetics and gameplay