NAME: Sewer Valley Creator: Bartoge Facts Gametypes: - Slayer - Team Slayer - Multi Flag - Assualt - Neutral Bomb Weapons: - Assault Rifle X4 - Battle Rifle X10 - Shotgun X1 (no spawn at start, 90 second respawn, no spare clips) - Sniper Rifle X1 (no spawn at start, 90 second respawn, no spare clips) - Spiker X2 - Plasma Rifle X2 - Carbine X2 - Sentinel Beam X4 Equipment: - Frag X4 - Plasma X4 - Spike X2 - Power Drain X1 - Flare X1 Description In this map there are basically 3 parts. The sewer, the hill, and the part connecting them.The hill is a hill and at the top there is a hole that takes you down to the sewer. This is handy for escaping a tight situation. At the sewer there are two tunnels leading to some stairs that take you to the hill. The hill is very steep, so steep that you can crouch in some places and you are hidden from people looking down the hill. Jumping can take you all over the map if your at the top of the hill. In Neutral Bomb there are two bomb spawn points in a two caves near the stairs. They alternate spawning between each spawn point which mean you never know which one it will spawn at. Hopefully this map will give you some joy and as you have been waiting for here are some pictures. Click Here To Download ENJOY Note: This map was inspired by Aqueduct, and changed completely by me.
Looks like you stole Aqueduct and didnt change that much stuff on it. You can't really claim this map as your own, seeing how you didn't create the whole structure of the map. I see the took out the sewer and added a door. I recommend that you start making your own maps and not steal others.
I did use aquduct as inspiration, and I used only 4 boxes of the original makeup, everything else I put there. And I did a lot more than added a door, and took out the sewer
Yes. That's what I was thinking too when i saw this post, but I couldn't exactly tell from the pictures. Definitely looks like Aqueduct (by ShockTheta?), just with a few doors. EDIT: Ok. You may want to add that into your post though. Give people a forewarning and avoid negative comments =/. Some more pics of just the map can give people a better view of the level and help avoid any discrepancies.
I'm going to find/download Aqueduct and download your map to see what else you used from aqueduct because it looks like you used alot more then 4 boxes from aqueduct i.e the stairs
cant tell crap from the pics....looks decent, a little too good for a UNSC graduate, and you need to get the pics from overviews, not just action pics
Yeah I updated it and put in two overview pics of the hill, you can tell what the sewer looks like. Ive been forging for a while and I just joined forgehub.
Did You Start From Scratch, Or Did You Copy Aqueduct And Just Add A Few Things Here, Delete A Few There, Rearange The Weapons And Crap Like That????
Well it is good that you said that it inspired you, but you really should have started from canvas =P Anyway I would give it a 2/5 for creativity but a 4/5 for construction and technique.
I never actually downloaded Aqueduct, but I do remember seeing a picture of Aqueduct that looks EXACTLY like your 5th picture. I think I saw the arch picture in that three-part forging series thing FH did.
You didn't change much, and probably plays worse than Aqueduct, Neg Rep for even trying to pull this off.
Wow, This IS Aqueduct, and if it isnt, its just been remade, you didnt just get SOME Ideas from it, you got pretty much ALL from it 1/5 for lack of original layout, and mostly stolen Ideas
this is a great looking map did you use a moeny glictched canvas Never mind just saw all the comments if you made it well done and if you stole it your on the wrong site
Looks very cool! I really like the layout for some reason, also the muli levels to it are great! very nice map here. Good work! EDIT: IF YOU STOLE IT I TAKE BACKEVERYTHING I SAID AND I LOOSE RESPECT FOR YOU
Wow, talk about interlocking- this entire map has been interlocked the hell out of. The whole thing is really well made, and shows a lot of time and effort. Love the dome, it really works here and it has an iconic look to it. Everything else is great.
woot 101 views, which means i'm the lucky person!! Good map, nice interlocking, however, it reminds me alot of Shocks map combines with scopulus's owell, it seems legit