Randle Scandal's Guide to Gametypes -Capture the Flag- Well hello there everyone, I'm Randle Scandal, you probably do not know me, and if you do, you probably only know little about me. I saw Linubidix's guide and it inspired me to write my own, about one of my favorite discussions, gametypes. Now color cordinated as well Black- Both teams Blue- Defenders Red- Attackers In the upcoming days I will cover several different gametypes that make a Halo competive based match what it actually is. We'll start out with my favorite gametype to play, Capture the Flag. In capture the flag, everyone knows the objective, get the enemy flag, and place it in your base. Well, how do we know where to exactly place the flags, and what makes that location good? In CTF, you want to place your flag in an area where there are many entrances to the base, giving the attacker's an option when entering and exiting the base. Such as in Valhalla, you can take the main man cannon right down the center, the side man cannon for a sneakier route, or even have someone pick you up in a vehicle at the base and go any which way you would like. Since generally, the defenders have an advantage its good give equal balance in the attacker's position. Now continuing with CTF for defender's make sure you don't place any close range power weapons, and little to no long range power weapons near your flag. This gives an extreme advantage to defending side, and can be very frustrating for an attacking team. This rule applies to pretty much all objective gametypes. Another thing in CTF is flag points. the defenders should have some decent cover near their flag spawning point. If it is just left in the open an attacker could easily snipe the defenders while his team walks into the base, although this requires more strategy, its still a good idea to have some cover, but not entirely surrounded. Like I said before, more than one way into and out of the base. A good example of cover is High Ground, there flag spawn is outside the shack rather than being inside it, but there is cover inside the shack for defenders to hide in during a match. Next step Vehicles. Probably one of the most important parts. Vehicles should be given more to the attackers. You shouldn't overwhelm the defenders though, make it balanced, give the defenders a spartan laser, or a rocket launcher. But more onto attackers, they should receive mainly vehicles that have passenger seats, mongooses, hornets, warthogs, but limit them based on the map type, bigger maps should have bigger vehicles, smaller maps should have smaller vehicles, obviously. Also if you do a non passenger vehicle (Banshee, chopper) make sure to balance it out by giving the defenders the exact same vehicle, or a missal pod. In a two sided map, have equal balance in all vehicles, you place a vehicle on one side, place a vehicle on the other. Like Valhalla, or Standoff. Now for the attackers. There capture point, should be fairly easy to get to, and could have some cover, but that is only if the cover sort of obstructs the flag carrier, making it more difficult to get in. In CTF it should be easy for the flag carrier to be able to see his capture point and run it in. The lack of cover also makes it difficult for him to stay alive as well, as the defenders would have a clear shot at him. Now onto two sided capture the flag. If you do this gametype for your map, better make sure your map is damn well suited for it. That means, making near identicle bases, having some cover for each flag spawn/capture point, and not too many power weapons for each side. I don't have much to state here, because you should know to follow all the above rules, except make the bases equal (I would suggest if anything, going towards a more defensive map, rather then both sides appear offensive). Another thing to look for in a map is aesthetic values in the flag area. Although you can have multiple entrances to bases its sometimes a great idea to add a gate, that closes or opens. It's good to find these on H3Artificer, which feature many switches. These little aesthetic touches add a lot more. Like High ground, normally there are only about 3 entrances, by opening the gate you make a fourth. Not only is that easier for the attackers, which have it pretty rough anyway, but it adds an aesthetic and unique touch that can make or break your map. (Thanks LIGHTSOUT225 for the idea to put this paragraph in) Well, now to the part where most people will probably read, the summary. In short, cover for the defense, vehicles for the offense, equal for both teams. That being said I'll suggest some maps that are good for Capture the Flag, and what kind (one sided or two sided) Avalanche-Two sided, the shape of the map doesn't really allow for neutral flag. Cold Storage-Two sided, the map was made perfectly for this, yet Bungie screwed up on weapon placement. Foundry-Both, depends on what you make for your map, default foundry is none though. Ghost Town- Both, it's a very good objective game map, just overlooked a lot. High Ground-One Sided, attackers would have a huge disadvantage in two sided. Isolation- Two sided, although many overlook this as a slayer map, it actually works quite well for CTF. Last Resort- One Sided map, probably one of the bigger of the one sided as well. Narrows- Two Sided, although very small it works very well with CTF, the mancannon is not as much of a problem as one would assume. Rat's Nest- Two Sided, it could support one flag, but it is too equal to do that. Snowbound- Two Sided, I don't enjoy playing it on this map, but it works for it. Standoff- Two Sided, identical bases, what do you expect? The Pit- Both, A favorite of mine for CTF, obviously for smaller parties though. Valhalla- Both, although Valhalla would appear to be an only Two Sided Map it functions very well with One Sided, based on the bases created. Well, that's my guide, tell me if you want more, and also tell me what you want next!
nice little guide. You should add a section talking about some map design attributes, like having multiple entrances to a base, a gate (switch), and things of that nature. And Last Resort should never even cross your mind as a 2-sided or Neutral map. Well done though, +rep for you, sir.
Wow great guide.....It has lots of great information in it, not included in other guides...I think you could also talk about one bomb and two sided bomb in this guide because CTF and bomb are almost the same game type (but are obviously totally different)...Also maybe you could look at my new map...It supports multi-ctf on an asymmetrical map...with different weapons and such for each opposing side. It also changes its layout to support both asymmetrical and symmetrical game types. + rep for you
Thank you everyone that commented... the two people. Well anyway, thanks for the idea Lightsout, I gave you credit in it, that should help a lot more. Thanks once again for commenting
Yeah, that will be released later today, after I get off of work, you can expect a guide everyday from me at around 6-7 central time (GST -6)
tl;dr Just kidding, definately a great guide to help people out with making capture the flag maps. This will definately help me, that's for sure!