Racing Above Hi everyone! This is my race track that is out of the boundary on blackout. The few people i tried this map out with said they liked it so may be worth giving it a go? This map took a lot of time and effort with all the interlocking and saving the game for every object placed to make them float - so please give it a try. : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing So, this map starts up high above the map. 3 boxes wide which then thins to 2 boxes wide. It then has a jump, then 2 steep climbs. After that there is a turn and a downward slope into a loop the loop which ends up at the beginning again. Just try not to fall off the track! P.S. If you download the map you will have access to out of the map as there is a teleporter leading out of it, so you can use this to build your own maps out of the boundary. Click Here to download this map. Picture 1: Picture 2: Picture 3: Picture 4: Picture 5: Click Here to download this map. Above Blackout (my other map) My other map that is out of blackout is a slayer map found in the link below. Bungie download link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing ForgeHub Forum link: Thanks
Thanks everyone. it is darker higher up as there arnt any lights, so thats probably why you cant tell what is what... or im just really bad at screen shots Edit: Also can you please rate after you download, thanks.
Wow, I have seen race maps above blackout, but never ones that were as complex as this one. I give it a 4/5 on difficulty, 4/5 on construction, and 5/5 on sheer awesomeness. That's 13/15!
Wow, cheers dude! i didnt think it was that complex lol, i kinda made it up as i went along this was a second attempt as my first attempt failed - ran out of boxes so couldnt complete the curuit before. Edit: If you want to make it harder you could allways go on forge and delete the walls so there is nothing to stop you from falling
this is a crazy race map well done should be a lot of fun if you want your links to be single words type here and here will work as the link
Your track looks descent. I just dis-like the loop. I never like loops in any race track, they never work and they get in the way of your driving. Its not that they don't work its just that they make the mongoose roll around everywhere.
Excellant racetrack, love the loop and this is totaly worth a download! Amazing and the fact that it is on Blackout makes it evan better! Great work 5/5
your pictures look sick i dont like racing maps very much but you did a good job with those pictures, it looks out of this world.
man cannons and shield doors, wow i should have though of that! good map above black out, i hear those take forever with all the floating and saving stuff
I'm a little worried about the loop. Most loops make you go flying off the track, and when playing with friends, the gravlifts wont catch your mongoose instantly when your not host. Overall the race track looks very good though. Most people don't interlock boxes in race tracks and it's really nice that you did. I've seen better, but this definitely deserves a 4.5/5.