Overview~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cat Walks Asymmetrical Cat Walks Symmetrical Light Side 1 Light Side 2 Broken Bridge Asymmetrical Broken Bridge Symmetrical Dark Side 1 Dark Side 2 Warthog out of Map Sniper Building Outside Sniper Building Inside Sniper Building Top Floor Map Name- Containment Map Variant of- Foundry Symmetry- Semi-Symmetrical Gametypes- All Games Glitches- Infinite money, Fusion, Fusion into map Weapons on Map- 2x Assault Rifle 5x Battle Rifle 1x Shotgun 1x Sniper Rifle 2x SMG 4x Spiker 1x Magnum 1x Plasma Pistol 2x Plasma Rifle 1x Needler 1x Brute Shot 1x Rocket Launcher 1x Spartan Laser (ASYMMETRICAL ONLY) 4x Carbine 1x Mauler Equipment- 6x Frag Grenades 6x Plasma Grenades 3x Spike Grenades 1x Bubble Shield 1x Regenerator 1x Radar Jammer 1x Flare Vehicles- Yes, only symmetrical games 2x Mongoose Fictitious Description- PROTOCAL D 17: FAILED THREAT LEVEL: 10 INCOMING TRANSMISSION: If anyone is out there please save us...they're eve...[END] Aesthetics and a little history- when I was first making this map I really wanted to try something I haven't done before. I made it enclosed. I also fused double boxes into the wall and ground where the windows are to block them and give the map its own feel. The sniper tower was inspired by Iv0rYSnak3's map Fractured, I liked it how he used that area of the map and still made it look good and not all boxey looking. So I turned that spot into a building and I fused a weapon holder into the wall to make the sniper rifle float, which was a pain in the ass to get it to the right spot. I also liked the look of the top of the boxes fused together to make a wall, it makes it look darker. The bridge started being used when I realized that the map would be horrible if it was a U shaped. So I used the rest of the items to make a bridge. I also made bridge cracked, broken and collapsing. There are bumps on it for that reason. I did not make it smooth on purpose. I even added a hole in it and you can go underneath the bridge in symmetrical games. Also on the light side, I made that the way up to the catwalks is over the crates, to try something new. There is no way out of my map. I put a warthog outside for more scenic looks, and I put a flamethrower next to it and no-one can get them. I also put a truck outside on the other side for more looks. The map is a donut shape and it is a medium sized map, but some people have recommended 16 people. DOWNLOAD HERE
Woah. Just judging from the photos (don't have enough time to read, have to go to work) But it looks amazing. I'll download after work. Great job man.
loooks amazing 5/5 definetley for sure! interlocking is superb i just love it its q'd for download! EDIT: changed all of that cuz its all a lie its the same guy, ur rep just went down dude EDIT # 2....actually i still love the map, and its still a 5/5, and its still q'd for download, but ur rep still went down
This looks like a great map from all the nice interlocking and layout...but how many times has this map been posted? I swear I've seen this 2 times before on the new community maps list...
I think this looks great. The screens are excellent, and I love the cat walks. Great interlocking and geomerging, I really like it.
this map has allready been posted! ethar you posted this twice or you stool the map! i provide link in a few! here is the link!!!!!!! proof! http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/20470-containment.html huu!!!!!!! ur da same person! only one is banned and the other is warned!!!! and umm... you have the same name only this one is with a space in the middle! your the same person! could a mod lock this?
he is the same person! and his other occont is banned! he has 3 acconts and 2 of them are banned and each of them posted this map! here is the link to the second map post: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/20470-containment.html
this account was banned before, I posted this map using this account, then dumb asses who were wending me retarded pm's started giving me 1/5 ratings for no reason I got banned for a week and I then made a new account that didn't have a space, reposted this map and got permanently banned on that account. got unbanned today, and reposted it, now only to see more dumbasses are giving it bad ratings since it was posted before which is not a good reason ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ now I am starting to think that allot of you are mentally challenged as my reputation is bad and says in need of interlocking I don't know how this map is not fused so allof you need to get a life
Stop reposting this map. Actually, you should just go away all together if you can't grasp the concept of why you were banned (twice) in the first place.
Well you don't have to post this again! One time is enough. The map is great but that's not a reason. Also stop making new account. It won't make anything better.