-You hurt marine? -N-no, sir. -Then listen up! When I joined the Corps, we didn't have any fancy-schmanzy tanks. We had sticks! Two sticks, and a rock for the whole platoon- and we had to share the rock! Buck up, boy, you are one very lucky marine! Here lies Sgt Avery Johnson: "Oh I know what the ladies like"
True. I'm not sure what would be on his gravestone, but I feel sorry for the people who come across this and never beaten Halo 3. Anyways, I think something along the lines of "I would of been your daddy".
"They must love the smell of badass!" (from first cut scene in halo 3) "Conquered hordes of aliens, destroyed by a volleyball with a light bulb" "Hey! At least im not a flood!" "I will be back in halo 4 don't worry." "This is it baby, hold me...." (Actually no) He has a book full of quotes
"Next time I'll bring my boots,to kick your ass!" I think that's an appropriate for Sgt Johnson;s grave stone.