Dibs on first post. You are looking at one LONG game. Since you are constantly crouched, not much action will take place for a long time. then finally when you do find someone... you will just die by assassination by someone else finding you. this is like a slow melee only version of swat no DL from me. I don't see how this type of game play could be enjoyable for longer than one play. And still that is doubtful. I would have section throughout where you stand up, but players won't do that.. or you could have territories set up on instant capture, with the territories traits set to mark those who take em. no points of having the territories, just you walk through em cause you have to. UNLESS i am completely off the mark?
Actualy, for the above post, you are not crouched that long. You are not even crouched in the room you start out in. In the room that the Humans start out in they are standing but to continue further they must crouch. You stay crouched for about 10 seconds then you get into another standing up room. That is when you reach the door, go through it and you will be crouched no longer! So realy if you get further into this level, and see the first picture, you will be in this Huge bunker type room fighting off the zombies that come through the multiple Pallet/door entrances. And once again! For anybody that is confused read this section, above and below If you are having doubts about this map and staying crouched than worry no more!!! Your problems have been solved with my straight up answer, there is a reciever node in the Human spawn/sewers. Were the Zombies can easily go into once they find it. And anyways, why would you choose to stay in the sewers when there is a Bunker full of Shotguns, machine gun turret, sniper rifles and tons of other great weapons... think before you do stupid... Conker out! ATTENTION: Thread now updated with more pictures! Hooray!
It looks very smooth. Nice interlocking but I dont know about the gameplay. I guess I'll have to DL it and check it out. 4/5 and a DL from me. Good pics, btw.
Wow this is a very cool infection map. I love your use for the pallets as with the breakable doors and floors, give the map its own playing style! Good work I'll download and play it later
Great job on this map, I'll be sure to DL it, it's cool how you blocked off that high part where the zombies start.
This is very nice merging (interlocking). I just think that tthis looks like people wont have fun playing with it. I'll download it later and try it out. 3/5 stars
the ascetics are nice and you had a good idea, but its like all the other unfair human advantage games
looks nice, but I think the game would pan out very slowly with the crouching. I would DL, but I dislike infection.
really nice map, i like the interlocking and the bunkers, 5/5 and i'll get my cousin to dl it on his bungie account
Thanks for all the downloads and comments! After reading these posts I have to say a few things: this map might seem like the Humans have an advantage, and would play out slowly but above that main Bunker with the Turret in it, there is a reciever node that the Humans had used to get there (all recievers are in the air to prevent blocking, no cheating!) So If the zombies play things out right then they can end up right on top of the Humans. HINT: going back to sewers and leaving through the exit, that the Humans took.
i just DLed all your maps, the look awsome, and well made, playability looks nice, and forging is good, (but playability is mor important) 9-10